chapter 1

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In a bustling city filled with towering skyscrapers and endless commotion, nestled on the top floor of a modest apartment building, lived Eleanor Thompson. Eleanor was a kind-hearted girl that dreamed to live in the highest penthouses with maids waiting for her at every moment if she ever wanted anything.

But alas, that was merely a dream, and in real life, Eleanor was a poor, hopeless girl that yearned for hope in a draining world. El was always the happy friend and now it was catching up on her. Her youth was an uneventful tragic time that El would never wish on her worst enemies but that doesn't matter now.

Now, something is different in this world. There are soulmates here and you would be very fortunate to have a soulmate or even luckier to have two or three, but Eleanor had 11 soulmates... 11 SOULMATES!

It was a world record but no one has ever seen her marks so she is unknown in this world. The thing is, Eleanor didn't want soulmates as she was quite content with herself and it had been 23 years and not a single soulmate showed up so she decided to continue a regular life with boyfriends, girlfriends, friend-with-benefits, and much partying.

She was happy that they were all together and she was alone and that they never looked for her. She was very... happy for them. So... happy! Alright, she was jealous and bitter. She hated the fact that they wanted a life without her and she dreaded the day of meeting them as she knew that soulmate rejection was almost always fatal.

But El was fine without them, she survived 23 years without them so why would she need them now? Eleanor was a flourishing young lady who scored herself a high-end job for SHIELD. And today was her first day.

Eleanor arose from her deep slumber and begrudgingly trudged over to the kitchen to seek caffeine, finding the coffee machine she began making herself a brew before freaking out realizing today was her first day! She then quickly ran into her room to throw on a white silk blouse, a black pencil skirt, and a black matching blazer.

She grabbed her briefcase that contained her essentials: headphones, notebook, laptop, charger, pens, etc... And slipped on some sophisticated heels to complete her look. Before she left, she grabbed her malachite bracelet that helped block her soulmate bond and headed out the door. She checked the time again, seeing that it was now 8:02 am and her job started at 8:15 am. She practically ran down the street accidentally bumping into every single person on the way.

Eleanor briskly walked up to the front desk panting and trying to catch her breath. She then tried to get someone's attention but everyone seemed to be on their phones or just plain ignoring her.

"Excuse me?" Eleanor tried to grab a very important-looking redhead who was currently seated at the receptionist's desk, clearly waiting for someone, very impatiently. El then soon realized hat this was the world-renowned Miss Pepper Potts was waiting for her.


Pepper Potts, the CEO of Stark Industries, was waiting at the receptionist's desk for her new assistant to arrive. As she tapped her foot impatiently, a nervous recruit approached her, trying to get her attention.

"Excuse me, Ms. Potts?" the recruit said tentatively.

Pepper turned to face the young woman, raising an eyebrow in expectation. "Yes, what is it?"

The recruit stumbled over her words, clearly nervous. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm the new assistant. It's my first day, and I was told to come to the reception desk to meet you."

Pepper nodded, her expression softening slightly. "Ah, yes, I was expecting you. What's your name?"

The recruit took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "My name is Eleanor. Eleanor Thompson."

Pepper smiled warmly. "Well, Eleanor, welcome to Stark Industries. I know it can be overwhelming at first, but don't worry. We'll get you up to speed in no time. Now, let's get started. Do you have the files I asked for?"

Eleanor quickly nodded, secretly fangirling, then quickly handed Pepper the files she had prepared. "Yes, here they are. I also took the liberty of organizing your schedule for the day."

Pepper glanced over the schedule, impressed by Eleanpr's efficiency. "Excellent work, Eleanor. You seem to be a quick learner. Keep it up, and I'm sure we'll make a great team. Now, let's get to work."

Eleanor was left starstruck at her short but vital conversation with one of her new bosses. Miss Potts then gave her an elevator key card that gives her access to all the floors including the personal ones for the Avengers at the top.

Pepper, which El was told to call her, then showed her her main office where she could go to find her and also explained that most Avenger and board meetings were held here. But Eleanor was astonished at the pure beauty of her sophisticvated office.

As Eleanor walked into Pepper Potts' office, she was immediately struck by the sheer size and elegance of the space. The room was expansive, with high ceilings and large windows that offered a breathtaking view of the New York City skyline. The walls were adorned with modern art and photographs, giving the space a sophisticated yet approachable feel.

The desk in the center of the room was large and made of rich, dark wood, with a high-backed leather chair positioned behind it. The desk was immaculate, with a sleek computer and several neat stacks of papers arranged with precision. On the desk, there was a vase of fresh flowers that added a touch of color and warmth to the space.

To the left of the desk was a comfortable seating area, complete with plush couches and armchairs that were upholstered in soft fabrics. The seating area was positioned in front of a large fireplace, which was currently unlit but still added to the overall ambiance of the room.

On the right side of the room, there was a large bookshelf filled with books, binders, and folders, all organized alphabetically and by subject matter. The assistant couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as she took in the room's beauty and organization, knowing that it would take her some time to get used to the high standards set by her boss.

"El, get settled and meet me back here at 2:00 pm for a meeting where you will meet the rest of the team."

"Of course, and thanks again Miss Potts for this amazing role!"

"You deserve it Eleanor, now relax and rewind. I must go though as I have work to do. See you soon"

This will be fun!

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