Chapter 1: Denise Adams

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I opened up my bed and got up. Can I just have a normal bed soon? I sighed as I went to take a shower. I got out and did combined my hair. I put clothes on and looked at myself in the mirror. Why do I even have a mirror? I have no use for it. I walked down stairs and looked at my Dad who was reading the paper.

"Ha, look Marty made it to the front page this time! I have to give him some props for that" My dad said

Marty is his best friend. My mom laughed as she was cleaning her teeth. I looked at them and they stared at me.

"Here you go it's fresh" My mom said

"And your favorite" My Dad added

I nodded my head as I looked at the meal on the table. A smile grew on my face as I licked my lips. Yum, looked so good! I bit into it and moaned. My parents laughed and as I was finished. I threw out my food and got up. I grabbed my back pack and my parents smiled at me.

"You ready?" My dad asked

"Yeah...I'll be home later" I replied

"Your mother and I might be out for a snack later"

"I'll have to do homework. If I get done on time I'll come and join you"

"Remember you are coming STRAIGHT home. No talking to others"

"I know, I know"

I rolled my eyes as I opened the front door and started walking to school. I looked at the trees and walked right through. Here goes nothing. I looked around and closed my eyes. I opened them again and ran at supersonic speed. I reached the school as they looked at me. I walked in and at the security looked at me. I sighed as I let my wings come out. I floated and then brought my wings back. I turned into a bat but not the bat you guys think off. I let my fangs out and they smiled as I walked through. I placed my fangs back in. I had to sit through another boring day of school. I honestly hate school. I looked around and meet up with my friend for lunch.

"So today there is frog, squirrel, have anything you want?" Diamond said

"Come know squirrel is my favorite" I replied

She laughed as we got our food and started to eat. So good. After school ended I headed home and just laid on my bed. My parents were out doing work and soon to eat. I stared at my ceiling. I let my fangs out as I rubbed my tongue on them. I let them go back in and my teeth were now normal.

Let me tell you about myself. I must of forgot. My name is Denise Adams, I'm a junior in high school and I have only one friend. Her name is Diamond, that is because her parents were obsessed with diamonds. My school is boring as hell and trust me, I've seen hell once to go and get Diamond who was kidnapped by a demand. I mean they call us demands too but we aren't. We're nice people! Those mortals are the annoying ones who go off killing us all the damn time. Oh yeah, I'm a vampire and I go to a school full of vampires. I don't know any mortals, I don't know any other creatures. I wish I knew them though. My parents are so so...uh... I'm not even allowed to leave this house. Only to go to school which sucks or for a bite but it has to be with them! I hated that. I want to see the world, not the movies I see of the world. They go out living normal lives but when they are home they are vampires once again. I don't like this not one bit. Maybe I can sneak out today. I walked to my window.

"HEY!" Diamond yelled

I stuck my fangs out and hissed.

"Don't do that you ass!" I yelled

"Sorry, letting me in?" She asked


I stepped aside. So much for sneaking out.

"Where's your parents?" She asked

I was able to smell them.

"Should be here in two minutes what's up?" I asked

"Me and you one day we are sneaking ouy of here!" She said

"My parents will cut your head off"

"No, they love me to much"

"Like I said they will cut your head off"

"We'll just see about that"

She smiled and left the house. I sighed as I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said

"We got you some food. Are you hungry?" My mom asked

"Not really, I'll eat when I'm done with homework"

"You sure?"


I smiled and she left the room. Alright that's it...I'm sneaking out.


This is how I picture Denise

Picture on side

Thank you all!

You all are  beautiful!

----ValVal23 xoxo

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