Nine - like old times

Start from the beginning

I worked through the folders and looked at the cases. My law firm specializes in family and criminal law. So it can get very stressful.

"Hey Boss. You have a visitor.", Timur said. He's my assistant.

"But I'm not expecting anyone.", i said confused.

"Can I let him in?", he asked and I nodded.

I looked back at my monitor and kept typing my email.

"Knock knock.", i heard his voice.

"Pierre what are you doing here?", i said and walked to him.

"I thought I'll surprise you.", he said while he hugged me.

"Take a seat.", i said and we sat down on the couch.

"How are you?", he asked me.

"I'm good. A lot of work but I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm good as well. I'll fly to Italy in a few hours.", he told me.

"Really? When? I'm flying to Italy too."

"At 5 p.m."

"Me too."

"So we can go together to the airport.", he said.

"Sure. Comes Kika too?", I asked.

"No, she is in Sri Lanka at the moment. She has a model job there."

"How cool."

"But Charles is coming with us too. If it's okay? Well he has the same flight but if its not okay he can go alone to the airport.", he said and my heart skipped a beat by his name.

"It's okay.", i said.

We talked about Monza and then he headed back home.

I gave Pierre my address and he promised to be on time.
After work i went home and changed my clothes. I decided to wear cycling shorts, a white crop top and a Red Bull jacket that max gave me.
I put the last things in my suitcase and waited for Pierre to arrive.

My doorbell rang and I grabbed my suitcase and walked downstairs. Charles stood outside and stared at me. He took my suitcase and put it in the trunk.

"You have the wrong jacket on. Here take this one.", he said and took a red Ferrari jacket out of his suitcase.

"Thanks for the offer but I'm happy with this one.", I said and snuggled into my jacket to provoke him.

"Then we will stay here. Lorenzo will only drive when you wear my jacket.", he said and i saw how Lorenzo nodded.

"Ogh fine.", I took off my jacket and put on his. "But only for the drive.", i said and got into the car.

"Azalea, long time no see. you look great. red is definitely your color.", Lorenzo said grinning.

I talked a bit with him and i enjoyed it. It felt just like old times.

"Arthur is still not over you. He loved you more than charles.", he laughed.

"Aww. I miss him too.", Arthur was like a little brother to me.

We talked a lot about the things we did together and we laughed all together.
I leaned my head on Pierres shoulder.

"I missed you guys.", i said and Charles turned his head in my direction immediately. He looked me in the eyes and a little smile appeared on his face.

"Azalea you should come and see us. My mother and Arthur would be happy to see you again.", Lorenzo said.

"I'd love to but i don't think it's a great idea. I don't think Charlotte would like it.", i answered.

"She can come too. I don't take a no for an answer. you'll be back on tuesday, right? Then we'll see each other on Wednesday evening. The address is still the same.", he protested.


"Then we can play games the whole night. Like in old times.", he added. Charles didn't said anything.

We arrived at the airport and after we checked in and went through the security check, i went to get a coffee for me. Pierre and Charles looked for seats and took care of my backpack.

"This is Max's new girlfriend and she's wearing Charles's Ferrari jacket. What will Max think when he sees that?" I heard a girl say in French while I was paying. First, do they think I don't speak French? and second shit. I totally forgot I was still wearing the Charles jacket. I turned around and smiled at the girl.

I went back to those with my coffee and three bottles of water. I handed them each a bottle.

"Hold this.", i said to Pierre and gave him my Coffee. I took off the Ferrari jacket and tossed it to Charles. Then i took the red bull jacket out of my backpack and put it on.

"Red suits you better.", he said annoyed.

"I'm fine with blue. Its my favorite color.", i said and sat between the two of them. I drank my coffee and talked to Pierre. Charles was on his phone texting with Charlotte. It looked like they were arguing. It was confirmed when Charles made annoyed noises.

"Everything okay?", i asked.

"Charlotte is in a fighting mood.", he answered annoyed.

"what's up now? You've been arguing a lot lately.", Pierre told.

"trouble in paradise huh?", i giggled.

"She's not quite herself right now."

"Maybe she's cheating on you. Or pregnant.", Pierre said laughing and I choked on my coffee. I glared at Charles.

"I had to talk to someone.", he said.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't it like that.", Pierre said immediately when he saw my gaze.

"It's okay.", I answered and focused on my coffee. I stayed silent the rest of the time. I don't care that Pierre knows but I didn't want the subject to comes up again.

The gate was finally open and we went in.

I looked for my place and sat down when I finally found it. I can finally relax without feeling this weird tension between him and me.

"Hey.", i heard a male voice.

How are you doing guys?

I'll try to upload another chapter today, but don't be mad at me if it doesn't work.

Have a good day.

Xoxo Jara🫶🏽

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