"Don't curse in front of her." Tighnari frowned as he crossed his arms.

"Mr. Tighnari! I'm not a kid anymore!"

"You still are." Both F/N and Tighnari turned their attention and looked at the girl.

"Hmph!" Collei pouted as she stared at the two in betrayal. They teamed up on her! The betrayal! "I'm able to take care of myself just fine..." She mumbled, like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Are you sure you're not just unhealthy?" Tighnari stared at the white-haired boy with a smirk.

"N-No...! I'm average!" F/N frowned at Tighnari. "Unlike all of you who have years of training and stuff, I've remained a normal civilian my whole life!" Didn't help that when he was put under Theresa's watch, everyone around him were superhuman girls who naturally...were better than him at anything physically related. A curse given Kiana was able to dominate him when they play fight. Not to mention he was forced to hang out with her and Mei alongside the others. "It's just that I'm an average person stuck with not-so-average people..." He gazed down at the ground while panting to gain some breath. 

"...Right." Tighnari looked amused as he saw the grouchy expression on the man's expression. "Anyway, are you fine?"

"Now you ask?" F/N looked above and directly at Tighnari with a frown. "Just...just give me a minute." He raised a finger to make his point.


"A-Are you sure you're fine—"


"...Get him some water, Collei."

"Yes, Mr. Tighnari..."


"So you're able to travel through worlds as well! Got it! And you're looking for F/N L/N, your unofficial brother yet regardless the two of you are close enough to consider each other siblings! You come from an advanced civilization as well so something such as multiverse traveling isn't considered abnormal?"

"That's right!"

"Huh..." Venti looked at the smirking Kiana with amusement as she explained to him the world she and F/N came from. Nahida explained to them that he was of another world, much to the surprise of him given that's another world hopper. He remembers that Morax wasn't surprised, given the clothing of the male gave it away. "Anyway, if you wish to venture out to Sumeru, you'll need to reach the Liyue Region. It's quite the far walk and there's Hilichurls, Treasure Hoarders, and other nasty enemies crawling around the place."

"Hmm... I see. Are these enemies frequent?" Kiana bit her toast as she paid attention to the bard. The next day arrived and after waking up, she found Venti quite easily as he was eating breakfast at Good Hunter. He offered her to eat with him as he'll explain what to do next if she wishes to go to Sumeru.

"I'd say so. Hilichurls are the common enemy you can say. Just some monsters who can use things like tools, whether it be bows, clubs, shields, etc. They're very primitive so don't be too alarmed."

"They don't sound too bad..." Kiana mumbled. "Sounds like a walk in the park."

"Pfft, yeah. Compared to what your world fights, I suppose these guys would be easy for you." Venti giggled as he munched on his bacon. "You know, before you do decide to leave, how about getting to know the locals? Or the people around? There's a lot of useful people around here, especially the Knights of Favonius."

"Knights of Favonius huh...who are they?"

"They're the ones that protect the city from harm. They also do many tasks to entrust that the city continues thriving."

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