Chapter 1

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Marc and Carrie had been neighbors for nearly ten years, each breaking ground on building their brand new homes inside the same development about a year apart from each other. They were both married when moving in, newlyweds in fact, when they joined the suburban neighborhood for the first time. Being basically the first families on the street, they quickly became friends with each other. To be clear, these neighbors for the first few years who were in their mid 20s, were not going out to dinner or bar friends, but certainly more friendly than the typical wave that is usual in most neighborhoods. They would however, often gather together on the weekends to hang out in each other's yard or around a fire for a few drinks.

Carrie is super tiny, wearing single digit dresses and adorning long dark brown hair midway down her back which was in a ponytail the majority of the time. In addition to her small frame, she has a small chest, barely over an A cup, but they are firm and it suits the rest of her body very well. However, her best features were most visible from the back. Her butt was just perfect, not too big, not too small and could almost always be seen in a pair of tight shorts with a little sneaky cheek hanging out the bottom. To top it off, rarely was a thong line not visible. Another one of her great features was her legs. Carrie was short, just a hair over five feet tall, but she carried a set of silky athletic legs that had the right balance of musculature in the calves and softness all through her thighs that made her look taller than she was. With her tiny waist and flat stomach pairing extremely well with her backside for such a petite woman, her hips curved into everything like a statue that would draw the eyes of any man with a pulse.

Marc was the total opposite of Carrie with the exception of their hair color. As an ex jock, he was about a foot taller than her with a barrel chest, big arms, thick legs, and wide shoulders. When he stood next to Carrie’s husband, he just towered over him, it was comical, and they all often joked about it. Carrie and her husband were the typical tiny couple while Marc and his wife were the tall ones. It was not everyone’s thing, but he had a hairy chest, his pecs still looked the same way after ten years. He was always working around the yard shirtless and shorts, more so to get a tan than any other reason. His legs and calves looked like tree trunks but fit nicely with the rest of his towering body. What he was carrying around in those shorts was very similar to the rest of his caveman style body, a well trimmed, clean, and thick package that was good at what it was designed to do.

As the years carried on, the men had moved up the ranks in their profession, they all had a few kids from each house, and Carrie ended up becoming somewhat of a stay at home mother, leaving behind her profession until her kids were of age to go to school. Marc’s wife was always a stay at home mom, but was involved in every activity imaginable in town. All these changes made the times of hanging out without kids much more infrequent. Still, it remained your typical small town relationship. Other homes were built around the neighborhood but only the kids from those two families became friends, running back and forth between Marc’s pool, or swing sets, or each other's homes like it was their own. They all became so comfortable with each other after kids, that their back doors were never locked during the day. Refrigerators and cabinets were always stocked for the kids and were free game. Neither home ever had any bad feelings when an impromptu visit wiped out all the snacks, or in the case of the adults, the alcohol.

It took nearly a decade for things to take a turn, but when it did, it came fast and unexpectedly. Because Marc traveled a lot for work, his wife would take the kids to their lake house for weeks at a time during the summer so that they were not stuck at home bored. On the other hand, Carrie stayed home most of the summer, rarely took vacations and was very content sitting on Marc’s patio while her kids took full advantage of the in-ground swimming pool. She simply worked on her tan, taking frequent dips into the pool to cool off. Carrie had started going back to the gym, working hard to get rid of some baby flab that she gained. To be honest, she was the only one who saw it, and most people did not even notice a change in her body after the kids. She finally had the courage to put aside the one piece bathing suits and started wearing bikinis again.

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