Dylan's throat was dry. What did this mean? Had he blown it? "I understand," he managed to croak out.

"What he's saying is, we don't want you to take our concerns personally. If you find that we call to check on Max more than once in the evening, or even on you, don't take it to mean that we don't like you."


The same thought seemed to be running through either boy's mind; the way they automatically turned to each other confirmed it.

"Uh, Mum? Does that mean you're okay with us going out?"

It was only then that his parents realized what the teenagers had taken their words to mean.

"Of course, Max! We were always alright with it; we just wanted to meet him once." She beamed at her son before turning to the other boy with an equally reassuring smile. "And Dylan, we're very happy that the two of you are together. All we were saying is that even though we're telling you this, there's going to be an automatic concern reflex, if you will, that we'll have for Max, and we don't want you to take it to heart."

"Oh, right. Yeah, of course! I understand." Dylan had found his voice again.


"So I'm really sorry, I'd actually thought that this would be like...them giving me permission or something," Max muttered, embarrassed now because of how he sounded.

He was grateful when Dylan didn't echo his insecurity. "Don't worry about it. I'd thought it'd be like that too, 'cause you know, that's kind of what made the most sense."

"You don't think it's silly that I'd need their permission?"

"No, of course not!" Dylan shrugged in response to his boyfriend's surprised expression. "I get it, Max. They'd obviously be worried about you, and you've had a lot of guilt about what happened. So it makes sense that you'd want to run it by them first before doing anything."

Max gave a small involuntary smile despite himself. "And you don't feel-"

"Like I mind dating someone who has all of this going on?"

"Yeah, exactly."

"Nope," he grinned. "And you need to stop worrying about it. You just relax and have a good time, 'kay?"

"I can do that." Max's smile was bigger this time round.


"Hey, no, don't do that!"

Dylan knew exactly what his companion was referring too, but he pretended not to. "Do what? And hold on a sec, let me just clear this-" he put the bill on the cheque and started to signal to their waiter, but Max closed his hand over the pile.

"Dylan, you're not paying for me. We're going to dutch."

"Hey, I'm the one who invited you to this." He shrugged. "So as a rule, I pay. Next time it'll be on you, alright?"

Max shook his head. "That's not how it works, Dylan. We're splitting the bill."


"Nuh uh. I'm not going to let you do that...and remind me that I've got the ticket money I owe you, too, yeah?"

Dylan could tell that his date wasn't going to let this go. He nodded slowly. "Alright, fine."


Max was uncomfortable. He hadn't meant to upset Dylan like he clearly had with the whole 'we're splitting the bill' thing, and even though he still stood by his belief, that it wasn't fair that Dylan would pay for, he suddenly wished he hadn't said anything.

"Hey, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, Max."

"No, I've kind of ruined the ending of this evening for you...I'm sorry. I honestly just didn't think- still don't think, in fact – that it's fair to make you treat me."

"I get it, don't worry."

Dylan hadn't looked towards him even once, and Max didn't miss how 'don't worry' was far from being the same thing as 'I'm fine, don't think you've messed it up in any way'.

"Can I ask why you didn't want me to pay?"

This earned him a momentary glance, at least. "It's silly...but you'll ask, so I'll tell you anyway."

Max waited.

"In my head, I've always had it that splitting the bill is what you do when you're out with friends."

He didn't need to say anymore; Max understood. He heard the unexpressed emphasis on 'friends' and the 'just' that Dylan didn't say before it, too.

And it was just as well, because Dylan couldn't bring himself to say anymore. He already felt like he'd overdone it, and he regretted acting the way he did. He knew how shaky a ground this was for Max, and there really hadn't been any need to put pressure on his date to make it more than he felt comfortable with! I'm such an idiot sometimes. If he's happier keeping this a little casual, I should have just let it be!


"Uh, Dylan...there's two things before you go."

He looked at him questioningly. "What is it?"

"I'm not sure what the better order is, but...um, first, aren't you going to wish me good night?"

What was Max talking about? Surely, hadn't he just wished him a good night as they'd been walking to his doorstep?

It took Dylan longer than he'd have wished to catch on – and when he did, he was stunned. Did Max really want-the look on Max's face certainly seemed to confirm it.

Only one way to find out.

"Yeah, of course," he responded by taking another step towards his boyfriend.

Max's breath hitched, and he knew Dylan could tell, too. "Wait!"

Dylan had taken his hand; he released it and created a distance between them immediately."Sorry," he apologized. "I guess I got you wrong."

"No, not at all! I did want you to-" Max's eyes widened at the almost-admission. "I meant," he cleared his throat unnecessarily, "the second thing. You kind of owe me six dollars."

This time, Dylan was quick to comprehend, and a brilliant smile made its way onto his face involuntarily. "Yeah, of course."

"Because that's the difference between just friends and a date." Max was thrilled to see his date so happy. "And again, I'm sorry about that. I didn't know..." he shook his head, "next date is my treat, yeah?"


And then Max waited. It wasn't that he minded, enjoying the moment with Dylan; the serenity of the night was one of his favorite things, really, but he wanted something else, too.

When it became clear that Dylan wasn't in the process of initiating anything, Max decided to ignore the rush of blood to his face and spoke. "So, Dylan? I'm still kind of waiting for good night."


Dylan hadn't missed the slight tremble as he brought his hand up to cup his boyfriend's face.

"Good night, Max," he whispered.


Yes, Max decided, the tingling on his cheek was one of the nicest feelings he'd ever felt. 

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