Start from the beginning


I sighed heavily as I ringed the doorbell.

As I heard the door open, I saw that Georgie had opened it.

" What are you doing here? " Georgie said confused.

" Is your parents here? " I asked.

" Mom! Dad! Y/n is here! " Georgie yelled.

Mrs. And Mr. Cooper came rushing to the door, with Mrs Cooper smiling at me and Mr Cooper slightly smiling.

" Y/n! I'm so happy to see you!! " Mary exclaimed.

" Want me to help you with your bag? " George asked.

" Oh uh, no thank you Mr cooper, But thank you for helping. " I smiled.

" Come in! " Mary said happily, leading me into their house.

" Mom can you explain why y/n is here? Is she here for another sleepover again? " Georgie questioned.

" Well, Her mom is gonna work abroad so she's gonna stay here, but don't worry her mom is gonna visit her every 3 months " Mary explained.

" So uh...where can I sleep? " I said curious.

" You and Georgie will be sharing a room! Did you bring your sleeping bag? " Mary asked

" Yes ma'am. " I replied.

" So uh ill leave you alone for now, we will organize your stuff later " George left


"Principle one. Don't criticize,
condemn or complain." Sheldon read out loud.

The three sharpest arrows

in my quiver.

Thus began
the greatest challenge

of my young life. Adult Sheldon narrated.

" Hey Sheldon what you doing? " I asked.

" I'm learning how to make friends with a book, Mom is getting worried of me because I have no friends, but I feel fine without friends, I'm just doing this to make her happy, now excuse me I need to talk to George. " Sheldon approached George

" Hello, George. " Sheldon greeted.

" What? " George said annoyed.

" I do admire your thick head of hair... " Sheldon complimented.

" George. " Sheldon said.

" Thanks. "


As I opened my locker I saw Sheldon approaching a local cheerleader.

" Go Wolves. " Sheldon cheered.

" What? " The cheerleader said, confused.

" You're a cheerleader, and by saying...' Go Wolves, 'I'm initiating a conversation about something that interests you. " Sheldon explained.

" Are you one of those special ed kids? " she questioned.

" My mom says I'm special, Would you like to be friends? " Sheldon offered.

" I don't think so. " The cheerleader declined.

" Are you sure? What if I told you... I admired your boldlyapplied makeup? " Sheldon replied.

I let out a small laugh.

I saw georgie, trying to flirt with a girl, she seems fond of his presence.

Payback time.

" Hey babe! " I said running to Georgie, Georgie gave a shocked look.

[ 𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒔  ✿︎ ] Georgie cooper x reader [ 𝚂𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙾𝙽 1 𝙱𝙾𝙾𝙺 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now