The part where a journey is undertaken - Yudhistira

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Angaraj looked so thwarted that Yudhistira toned down his teasing. He had to remember that this person may not appreciate the subtle nuances of humor as his brothers. Angaraj had always come across as being too serious, much more than Yudhistira himself was, which was saying something. 

"It is okay, Angaraj Karna. Let me see what I can do."

Yudhistira took the huge bundle of firewood and carefully sorted the drier ones. Using his knife, he removed the damp exterior of some of the other branches and then handed them over to the soldiers. "This should suffice, but if not then let me know," he directed.

The food, a fairly simple course,  was quickly made ready and it was only when Yudhistira and Angaraj Karna had taken their seats on the riverbank that the later commented, "Not many Chakravarti Samrats would know how to clean up branches or how to start a fire."

"Not many would have had the experience of living in a forest, Angaraj," Yudhistira returned whilst sipping the stew. "Twice for us and three times for Arjun; we were forced to learn a lot, Angaraj. Karna"

Yudhistira could see the gloom settle on Karna's features and felt a pang of guilt. Bringing up such things now was rather unwise and very unlike the normally mellow eldest Pandava. But he was being reminded time and again that this person, Angaraj Karna, had impulsively  and most childishly vowed to kill his Arjun, his most complex yet beloved little brother. Till date Yudhistira, despite his entire knowledge of Dharma and his resolution to always follow it, was still unable to reconcile with Karna's vow or the inane hatred he held for Arjun.

"Why did you come along with us, Angaraj?" Yudhistira asked finally.  "I did not want... I do not want that anyone be forced to help and your views on Arjun is extremely well known. His life is not important to you, Angaraj and I cannot have anything, or anyone jeopardize his recovery."

Karna had placed down his bowl on the ground and was staring intently at the Samrat. "I may not have the same regard towards your brother, and not even a fraction of the worry, to be honest, but I... I will never jeopardize his recovery, as you put it, Samrat Yudhistira. Have a little trust in my sense of honor, at least."

Yudhistira scoffed.  "Your sense of honor, Angaraj? Please spare me the theatrics."

Karna looked taken aback. "Just because I am a son of a charioteer doesn't affect my sense...."

"Oh, stop with that, Angaraj!" Yudhistira surprised himself with the pitch of his interruption, but he had reached his limit towards drivel for today. Karna looked equally taken aback and he, thankfully, ceased talking.

"It is not about you being the son of Sriman Adhiratha; the son of a charioteer as you put it. Not everything is about that one thing in your life, Maharathi Karna! Your father is Pitamah Bhisma's charioteer, and he is much respected by me and my brothers.  You have obtained your education from Gurudev Dronacharya and then you were further blessed to be taught by Prabhu Parashuram. So, I certainly did not refer to you birth status!" Yudhistira paused for a moment to catch his breath and then added, "I sincerely hope that you do not need to be reminded of the events in your recent past which made me utter such a thing,"

"The Varnavrat incident..." Only a slight whisper escaped Karna. 

Yudhistira raised up his hand to stop any further recourse from Karna. "I would prefer that you leave that particular incident unspoken of...." He hesitated. "I should not have brought this up."

"You are not wrong but..."

"No Angaraj!" Yudhistira snapped back. "No, I am not wrong, and that is the biggest issue!" He fixed Karna with a look which would have made lesser men quell. "Let us not discuss this any further. It does not serve any purpose. Arjun's life is more important to me than any conspiracy and even my own kingdom. So, I will depend on your Sense of Honour, Angaraj."

An interlude to SunsetМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя