the flower garden

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I'm so sorry Deku, it's fine he said while pulling out his pocket watch, oh no I'm even more late got to go bye he hollered over his shoulder while running out the gate to his next destination. Leaving you and Iida behind, you were determined to find out where he was going. Bye Iida see you when this hell is over you called to him while following Deku.


You chased him till you saw him run into a huge garden, the flowers were so big they could be confused with trees. Once you entered you noticed that you had once again lost the green haired boy, bunny or whatever he is. You walked through the garden the wildlife there was like nothing you'd ever seen before. As you continued through the garden you saw what looked like a butterfly. Huh what an odd butterfly you said out loud, you mean a bread butterfly. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense you admitted. Wait a minute who said that I did, you looked around for the sound of the voice but found none. Yep, it's been decided, I'm going insane no, no, no look up. As you did so you spotted a beautiful tan and pink flower. It kind of looked like Uraraka, but flowers can't talk, can they you said. Well, we only talk to people worth talking to or talking about said an orange flower that looked like it could be kendo from 1-b. well in that case have you seen a green hair boy rabbit thing. Well, that depends what kind of garden did you come from said a tannish rose with a lot of vines surrounding it, you guessed this flower must be Shiozaki the vine girl from 1-b.

Well, I don't come from any garden, oh do you think she's a wildflower Kendo said. Nah she's too small to be, hey I will have you know I'm (your height). Well what species are you Uraraka said I'm a human also known as Y/N. A Y/N I don't think I've seen one of those before Kendo said look at her peddles Shiozaki said pointing to your blue dress what an odd color. No fragrance either Kendo said, look at those stems a silver flower said that looked like Yanagi from 1-b. I think she's pretty a small silver bud said quiet Eri Yanagi said putting her leaf like hand over Eri's mouth. You do realize I'm not a flower right. Ah-ha! just as I suspected Kendo said no shit Scurlock you responded with a smirk similar to Bakugou's. Then you're a weed Uraraka said what the no way I am what you call a human not a weed. Well, you wouldn't expect her to admit to it Shiozaki said to a yellow flower with blue at the tips. well, we mustn't let her stay the yellow and blue flower said. Well, I'll go if you would tell me where I can find the green rabbit you said with a bit of sass in your tone. Never a black flower said as she pushed you out of the garden and down a hill. After your great fall you landed on your back looking at the sky. As you looked up you noticed letter made of different colored smoke floating up in the sky.

y/n down the rabbit hole (bakugou x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt