After a door closed, everything went quiet, and the young girl felt her Mama relaxing the tight hold around her body. But even when they were sitting down on a chair, Natasha kept holding her close.

"You're doing good, baby?" The woman asked, gently peeling her away.

The kid's cheeks were flushed, her green eyes glassy. The fever was back, and the hoodie wasn't helping to bring down her temperature at all. But Vera nodded slightly anyway. Good widows didn't complain.

As soon as the door was opened, the kid turned her head to hide her face again in her Mama's shoulder. Her right fist gripping tightly to the woman's hoodie as her left arm was wrapped around Cheese, keeping it in between them.

"I wasn't expecting to see you so soon, Romanoff. Not with Ross on your tail" a man spoke. "He took your disappearing act really personally."

Natasha chuckled. "That's good to know."

"So, who's the kid? Did you add kidnapping to the list?" The man asked, only getting Vera to press her face more firmly against the soft fabric of Tasha's hoodie.

"I did not kidnap anyone" Natasha answered, defensively. "She's my kid."

"Since when you have a kid?" The man sounded confused, almost intrigued. "Did you know any of this?"

"No, I didn't, sir." That time it was a woman who answered.

Her Mama breathed deeply, running a hand over her back soothingly before explaining quietly everything that had happened over the past few months.

When Tasha's hand came to rest over her head, Vera shifted slightly so she could stare at the woman.

"Can I remove your hood, sweet girl?" Her Mama asked, but she shook her head, unsure. "Okay."

Neither her Mama nor the other people insisted on her meeting them, just letting her remain with her face hidden from everybody. It wasn't until Natasha got up from the chair to leave the room, that she dared to lift her face from the woman's shoulder, the front pieces of her red hair framing her face.

Her green eyes met the tall man gaze, frowning slightly at the sight of an eye-patch covering his left eye. He looked intimidating, so she shifted her gaze to the dark-haired woman that stood behind him.

There was a smirk on the woman's face while observing her, "She's definitely your twin, Romanoff."



Natasha pressed her daughter's sleeping form against her chest. Her fingers ran through the child's red locks as she continued humming her baby sister's favorite song, but that had managed to lull the kid to sleep. The stress from the last hours finally left both of their bodies. At least now she knew that it was only a virus and that it shouldn't be something to worry about, unless the kid would stop eating or the fever would get too high.

Vera had been more or less compliant on everything the doctor would ask. That young woman didn't know anything about the kid's background, but she had understood perfectly that the child was terrified, taking her time to explain everything that was going to happen. Natasha was really thankful for that, since it had eased the child's nerves a little bit.

However, the young girl had freaked out as soon as she had seen the needle for the blood test, getting herself under the stretcher, far away from everyone's reach.

The Black Widow had felt her heart breaking when the fearful child had pleaded in between sobs, "I don't want to do what he asks." Natasha had no idea how Dreykov subjugated the widows, but it certainly had been similar for the kid to react that way.

Baby Widow RomanovaWhere stories live. Discover now