Smile Part 2

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"All done!" The orthodontist cheered peppily and handed you a mirror, to look at your new smile. Hesitantly, you brought it up to your face, and looked.

It was amazing! Your teeth were as white as pearls and they seemed to shine. You ran your tongue over them to feel the smooth surfaces and grinned. They were perfect. You couldn't wait to flash your smile at the party tonight.

You set the mirror back on the table, and thanked the orthodontist before running out to the parking lot, where Dylan's black car was waiting.

You knocked on the window, and Dylan set down his phone, and let you in. "HEY Y/N LET ME SEE YOUR TEETH!!" Dylan yelled as you sat in the passenger seat. You wanted to show him your new beautiful smile, but you thought you'd have some fun with him.

You smiled without opening your mouth, and shook your head 'no'. "oh c'mon!!" Dylan whined, jutting out his bottom lip creating a pouty face.

You shook your head again, and inwardly laughed at his pouting. "Fine then. We will do this the hard way." Dylan smirked a little as you furrowed your eyebrows in question. Before you could react, Dylan's hands shot at you, tickling you mercilessly.

You squealed loudly, and began laughing so hard you couldn't breathe. You basically turned into a ninja, laughing and swatting at Dylan's hands but he persisted.

"Do you give up yet?!" Dylan asked you as he continued tickling you relentlessly. You began to lose steam and realized the only way he would stop was if you gave up. Frantically, you shook your head, and Dylan retreated back into the drivers seat.

"Okay. Now smile!" Dylan urged and although your face was red from the senseless tickling, you flashed him a huge, goofy grin.

"Ah thats beautiful! You look amazing! Holy klunk!" Dylan cooed as he caressed your chin and looked at your smile from all angles. You blushed slightly, but you were very flattered at his compliments.

"Thanks! Now drive me home so I have time to get ready for your party!" You poked Dylan's hand and he smiled as he turned the key, and pulled out the parking lot.

You stared out the window as Dylan began the 15 minute drive back to your house. The trees blurred past like smeared colors of an oil painting. It was beautiful. You reached up and touched the side of your face where Dylan's hand has been. It tingled slightly. Were you starting to develop feelings for your best friend?

Theres no way you would begin having a crush on Dylan. It was too cliché! It happened in every movie ever made! The girl fell in love with her best friend and they lived happily ever after. You sighed at the idea of doing all the things that couples in movies did. Being kissed in the rain, walking along the beach with hands intertwined, candlelit picnics... You certainly would like to do these things with Dylan.

"Where are we going?" You asked as Dylan turned down an unfamiliar street. This wasn't the way to your house....

"I thought I'd take you to get some ice cream! It will be the first thing you get to eat without braces in over 2 years!" Dylan answered with a giddy grin. It was nice of him to do this, but you knew he probably wasn't getting ice cream for you, he probably just wanted an excuse to eat ice cream.

You smiled and thanked him as he pulled into a frozen yogurt place. "Order whatever you want! Its my treat!" Dylan offered and you walked up to the counter, scanning the toppings bar.

"I'll have a scoop of chocolate in a bowl, with reese cups and hot fudge!" You chirped to the lady behind the counter.

"I'll have the same." Dylan stated from over your shoulder. The lady quickly prepared your ice cream and you walked it to a bench outside under a tree.

"Mmmmm thanks Dyl" you murmured in between bites, savoring the rich ice cream.

"No problem. I'm always looking for an excuse to eat ice cream." Dylan teased. You stole sideways glances at him as he ate, and admired his jawline. He was kinda cute. You'd never really noticed before...

"Is there something on my face?" Dylan asked when he caught you staring. You turned as red as the cherry on your sundae, but decided to pretend there was so it wouldn't seem like you were staring.

"Yes..." You slowly lifted your thumb and wiped the corner of his mouth, even though there was nothing there. Dylan's eyes remained trained on you the whole time and as you went to pull your hand away, he grabbed it and put it on his neck, before leaning in.

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