[Fallen Genesis AU] Feathery Trouble

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"Alright, let's say I believe you. This better not be another prank it's way past April Fools"
"It's not, I swear!"

As it turns out, it wasn't that hard to find the wind elemental. The abnormal winds were more than enough to tell his location. The floating island where Solar and Duri first lent their strength to Boboiboy, the place where they defeated Borara.

"This place sure brings back memories doesn't it?" Duri asked, skipping ahead.
Solar didn't bother responding, Duri knew the answer already anyways. He would visit the facilities and Klamkabot, but Taufan remains the first priority.

Trees that have fallen over, rocks that have been shattered, and the long dent in the ground tells them Taufan had crash landed, and not too far from there they see the wind elemental, in a vastly different form.

He was a dragon, instead of the usual scales and bat wings, he has fur and feathered wings, though they look rather unkempt at the moment

"Upan? Are you alright?"

The dragon slowly unfurled himself to look at the Photosynthesis duo, letting out a whine. It clear what's going on with Taufan. Feathers are a pain.

The light element sighed as he held the head of the wind dragon
"Look, I get you're uncomfortable, but does it have to go this far?"
Another whine was his answer.
"Poor Upan... Pin feathers are really itchy huh?"
The dragon turned and nudged Duri, agreeing with the nature element.
"Can't we help him Solar?" Duri gave him the puppy eyes.

The eyes on Solar's wings scanned the wind dragon, judging his size and height.
"Yes, we can, but he has to return to human form first. You can still do that right?"
Taufan nods. His body glowed, and began to shrink. Now in human form, his wings are smaller, much easier to handle.

Solar adjusted his gloves
"Alright, let's do this"

Even with reduced size, Taufan's wings are still a challenge to work with.

First, there's the amount of feathers. 3 wings joined together on each side, makes a total 6 wings.

Second, the length. They're twice the length of Solar's wings, thanks to the bones connecting them to the body.

And third, reflex. If they touch one feather wrong, Taufan will immediately react, his wings will flap, which results in a slap to the whole body if they don't dodge fast enough.

It reminds Duri of Jenga, with pin feathers that won't be placed back into the wings.

(For those who don't know, this is Jenga)

They have to identify if the feather is ready too

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They have to identify if the feather is ready too. If it's shiny, they must not touch it. If it's dull, then it's fine.

They fell victim to several smacks, not great experiences. Solar almost wanted Duri to tie Taufan up so he could stay still.

After a long time of wrestling the wings, they finally did it. And the end result was almost worth it.

Taufan's wings were no longer a soft grey like before. It now carried a baby blue hue, with the tip of the feathers now glowing. Solar didn't know Taufan's wings could glow, it was aesthetically pleasing to look at, unlike his.

When Solar's wings appeared, he only wanted to get rid of it. To get rid of his past. The eyes are his, yet it felt too much to handle.

Taufan's wings on the other hand, reminds him of the welcoming sky above.

"Solar? You okay buddy?"
"Huh? Oh, I'm okay- Why do you ask?"
"You've been staring at my wings for a bit now"
Solar opted to be silent.
"Are you jealous Solar?" Duri spoke up, his words made him jolt.

"Wha- Of course not!" The wings flared out, the eyes widened, defensive.
"Don't try to deny it. It's written all over your face~"
Solar looked down, his wings lowering and the eyes softened. Duri was right, maybe he is jealous.

"Alright, come here you!"
"Ha- eh?" The light elemental finds himself in a group hug, with Taufan's wings wrapping around the trio. His wings were soft, like a fluffy blanket, a stark contrast to it's ragged appearance earlier.

"Touch them if you want! I know what feathers won't make me flinch now so go ahead!"
He was skeptical, but reached his hand out to pet it nonetheless. The elementals gained a sense of appreciation for fluffy things through living with Boboiboy, Solar included. He's certainly glad for that now.

"It's so soft Tau! You have a comfy blanket that's attached to you at all times now!" Duri exclaimed while rubbing his face against the feathers.
"Expect Ais to cling to you from now on, your wings are great blankets"
"Hehe, yeah I'll be careful"
The 3 stayed together for a while like this, content.

"Oh shoot- We left Ori and Ais back at home!" Taufan exclaimed, dragging them all back to their senses. Solar was about to teleport when Taufan stopped him.

"Wait, I want to test my wings. How about I carry you both?"
Although Taufan's wings are functional now, Solar still has doubts. His opinion was casted to the side as Taufan transforms and puts them both on his back. A roar signalled take off, and off they go into the sunset.

It was peaceful for like 5 seconds before their pilot decides to fly at the speed about 750 miles per hour, at sea level.

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