Chapter 1

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I'm so nervous right now but I have to do this anyways.
"what now? Hurry up I'm late for practice" Tsukki said with no reactions on his face.
"Tsukishima Kei I I I like you! Please be my boyfriend" I shuttering as I close my eyes and I bow down

I hear him scoff
"why would I dating a girl like you? I'm sorry I don't like you" Tsukki said

I feel like I'm gonna cry but I hold it
"It's okay" I smile
"you're wasting your time on nonsense, you should stay away from me, you're ugly, you're attention seeker, you're wh*re and you're sl*t" Tsukki shout little bit

I turn my head, I saw everyone including Tobio-kun staring at me, that's it I'm crying now, I turn my head back to Tsukki and I punch his chest hard. I knew it was weak punch for him
"okay I get it you don't like me at all but don't call me by those names, Tsukishima! Fine! From now on I'll stay away from you! I hope you'll regretted it someday" I said as I cried

I run because of embarrassment and I feel everyone staring at me.

Kageyama raged, he went to Tsukki and grabbed Tsukki's collar
"what have you done, Tsukishima?!" Kageyama ask angrily

Tsukki just smirk, it made Kageyama mad even more, Yamaguchi and others came, Daichi tried to keep them ( Tsukki and Kageyama) apart but Kageyama holds Tsukki's collar so tight
"what's with you two?! Why are you fighting?!" Suga ask angrily
"this oversized french fries guy! He humiliates Y/n earlier and now she's crying damn! I hate seeing her! If her brother knows about this, Tsukishima you're in big trouble I'm telling you! Even thou you don't like her, you should talk to her nicely earlier but you humiliates her and calling her wh*re and slut! You don't have the rights to call her like that!" Kageyama let Tsukki and follow Y/n

Suga and others disappointed to Tsukki
"why did you do that to Y/n, Tsukishima Kei?!" Daichi ask angrily
" what?" Tsukki response
"don't 'what' me Tsukishima, just answer" Daichi ask angrily
"she's so annoying and what I said earlier it's true, right?" Tsukki response
"Tsukishima Kei" Suga scolded
"I'm sorry" Tsukki
" not to us, say sorry to Y/n, because you hurt her, you're too way salty Tsukki I can't believe you, you hurt the girl love you deeply, she's nice, she's kind, beautiful, smart and sweet, actually she don't deserved to be humiliated and she don't deserve you either, she deserves someone always treats her right like Kageyama for the example, I'm sorry for saying this Tsukki but you s*cks" Yamaguchi said in disappointment

Yamaguchi walks away
" Yamaguchi's right tho, no one deserves what you did earlier? especially Y/n, she deserves everything in this world" Hinata said and walks away
"I'm disappointed with you right now, Tsukishima" Suga said then walk away
"it's not fault, I kept pushing her away but she keep following me and giving me gifts" Tsukki said
"so what? She's so sweet by doing that to you Tsukishima, you're lucky, not every man have that girl always there for you and love you even thou you're salty" Nishinoya said

Tsukki felt guilty inside him but he won't let others know
"remember this, Tsukishima, once a girl stop following you or giving you a gifts or stop talking to you or staring at you, it means she gave up on you and she might fall in love with other guy" Tanaka said
"Yeah what Tanaka said, if I were you I'll starting to apologize now before it's too late" Nishinoya said
" I'm sure Y/n will come to me later tsk" Tsukki said
"are you sure about that Tsukishima? I don't think Y/n will" Ennoshita said
"what do you mean?" Tsukki ask confusedly
"after what you did to her? I don't think she still have crush on you" Ennoshita response

It made Tsukki mad but he stop himself
"that's good then" Tsukki said
"whatever you say, Tsukishima Kei, you're gonna regret it" Ennoshita said

Ennoshita and others went to the gym

Y/n still running while crying until she hit someone, she sit on the ground.
"are you okay, miss? Here * offer his hand* let me help you" the guy said

He help Y/n to stand
"wait are you crying? ssshhh don't cry tell me what happened? If it's okay with you tho" the guy ask
"no it's okay" Y/n response sweetly

Y/n tell the guy everything about what happened earlier? They didn't know Kageyama overheard their conversations. The guy saw Kageyama.
"he don't deserves a such beautiful girl like you, even tho I hate Tobio-chan but he treats women right, he's good friend and you can rely on him, I'm so proud of him as his senpai hehehe oh by the way I'm Tooru Oikawa, nice to meet you miss" Oikawa said
"nice to meet you too senpai my name is~"

Y/n didn't finished her sentence because Kageyama barged in their conversations
" Y/n Kuroo! what are you doing here? Why are you with Oikawa san?" Kageyama ask confusedly
"oh I didn't mean to hit him when I run into him earlier I told him everything what just happened earlier?" Y/n response
"Tobio-chan yohoo, take care of her okay? And keep her away from that salty guy" Oikawa said
"that's what exactly I'm doing okay? Come on Y/ n let's go home" Kageyama said

Kageyama pull Y/n away, it made Oikawa gasp and shocked.
"that cute junior of mine is never change he's still rude towards me" Oikawa said

As they got there at Y/n's apartment, Kageyama give her an ice cream, her favorite plushies and they're doing movie marathon until they fall asleep. Y/n decide not to go to school for a whole week because she's not ready to face Tsukki and all of the students at school yet.

The Next Day
Yamaguchi and others ignore Tsukki because of what he did to Y/n?
"seriously guys? You're gonna ignore me? because of that girl?" Tsukki ask angrily
"Y/n is not just a girl Tsukishima she's my best friend since we were young" Kageyama yell
" yeah we stop ignoring you if you apologize to Y/n" Yamaguchi said
"what? No" Tsukki said
" then we'll ignore you until we graduated" Suga said

Tsukki frustrating because of Y/n
" Y/n you're gonna pay for this" Tsukki said in his mind

They practice together but they still ignore Tsukki until they finished practice.

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