Chapter One: The First Day

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Heizou's P.O.V. :

I had woken up to the car making an abrupt stop, causing me to hit my head on the seat in front of me.

"Wake up kid, we're here" stated My Mother, kojou Sara.

"I think I got that, thank's Ma" I replied audaciously. I could see her role her eyes in the rear view mirror.

"just get out you little brat" she sighed.

I did what she said and made sure I had all of my bags. There was only 4 and 2 of them only had clothes in them.

"You got all your stuff, Hei? "


"ok, well I'm off"

"Don't you have to come with me to get my keys?"


I laughed as she got out of the car, cursing underneath her breath. We walked to the main office and got my keys. The lady told me I would have to roommates but I didn't mind it that much. Kojou walked me to my dorm to 'make sure I didn't get lost because i'm stupid', but anybody could tell she was lying.

We said our goodbyes she was off. I readjusted the keys in my hands and unlocked the door. I had assumed one of my roommates was already there do to the shoes on the floor. As I walked farther into the dorm a faint smell of weed hit my nose,'great, another stoner' I thought to myself as I walked into one of the empty rooms. I started to unpack when I heard a slight knock at my door.

The door started to open a bit when I heard a familiar voice.

"umm, hey im sorry about the smell I hope you do-" he stopped.

"H-hei hei..?"

I turned around to face him, my breath hitched. It was him, the one person I never wanted to see again. He looked as nervous as I was.

" Look hei hei I'm sorry-"

"Don't.", I interrupted "don't call me that" I said bitterly.

"hei-uh, we'll talk later, ok?" he responded softly. It pissed me off.

"fine, asshole" I murmured to myself.

I knew he heard it. I wanted him to hear it.

As soon as he closed the door I immediately called Kuki, my best friend, and told her everything. She sounded worried, yet pissed at the same time. She gave me her dorm number and told me to come over if I ever wanted or needed to. I told her that I would be having another roommate that I could talk to so it wouldn't be that awkward. We talked for like 2 hours but I started to get hungry so I hung up.

I tried to get in the kitchen without him noticing, but I failed.


"tomorrow, ok im tired"


After I ate something I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't. I grabbed a book out of one of my bags and hopped I would fall asleep. After like an hour or two I finally drifted off to sleep hoping I didn't have to talk to him tomorrow..

(487 words) you probs already know who he is but I wanted suspense even if it was bad:} next chapter will be in his P.O.V.

Room 247[heikazuscara]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt