Intertwined, Forevermore

626 18 2

A dark, gray cloudy sky loomed over a city in Japan, roughly releasing a stream of rain that splashed violently onto the objects that the city contained. Buildings, roads, trees and sidewalks of all kinds were assaulted by it.

Though, there was one area on a sidewalk which was kept safe from the bombastic storm clouds.

A bench and a small bit of ground existed nigh-undisturbed by the rain, only small droplets making their way towards the non-wetted area because of the bench shelter that lay dormant above it.

On the bench was a little girl with gradient colored eyes that ranged from purple to pink. If you looked closely, you could possibly see six-pointed stars in them. Her shoulder length blue-purplish hair laid flat on her back, a lone and small ponytail just barely sticking out the left side of her head as she looked down at the ground.

She couldn't have been older than 4 years of age at this point in time, as she kicked her feet back and forth with no objective, staring at the ground before her with no aim.

Not many children at the orphanage she lived in now had the chance to go outside of the orphanage's premises, and not many of them were bold enough as she was to leave one of the staff that was assigned to her behind to wander the small city aimlessly. Running away, essentially.

With a father that might as well be as real as fiction and a thieving mother that probably loathes her existence, living in an orphanage as just another expendable child left to rot, she was left all alone in this world.

She didn't regret leaving the staff behind to worrily wonder where the child was. There wasn't anyone in the orphanage that she was friendly with, let alone any that she wanted to willingly interact with.

That line of thinking didn't stop her body from shivering, though. It was cold outside, after all, and the rain didn't help one bit. She was left to wonder why she deliberately chose not to wear at least a long-sleeved shirt or sweat pants.

She wasn't dumb enough to walk in the rain though. Her conditions were bad enough as is, and she didn't feel like taking the risk of getting sick because of that.

She frowned at her less-than-fortunate situation. It was a pitiful sight, she was a pitiful sight, and she had no clue how to make it better. Even if she did, she was powerless to do so.

"Are you okay?"

She jumped in slight shock and snapped her head upwards to meet the individual that the voice belonged to with a confused and slightly irritated glare.

She was met with a.. face that she couldn't actually see, because it was shadowed out by the umbrella that the individual had over there head. Judging by the voice, the person was a boy, or a man. The only thing she can see where his face should be was a shine in his eyes, or at least, where his eyes should be.

She looked down in slight embarrassment after noticing that she was staring for a little too long, before giving a nod that was far too meek to look like a confident, surefire answer.


Tap. Tap. Tap.

Soon enough, she heard footsteps, and almost sighed in a mix of disappointment and gratitude that the individual was leaving.

That was, of course, before she realized that the footsteps were actually getting closer , and before she could look up to confirm, she heard slight wrinkling of clothes and the sound of an umbrella snapping shut right next to her.

She turned her head nervously to look at the individual that was still in question, and now that his umbrella was no longer above him, she could get a good look at his face.

Intertwined, Forevermore | Oshi No KoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon