The Last Chapter: Legend

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If Legend had ended this way (from June's POV):

When dawn finally came, so did anxiety. The day had come for me and Day to travel down the Vegas strip and find the Patriots. We made our way to the glittering city.

Day had dyed his white-blond hair a mud brown and tucked it into a pilot's hat. He wore the gray jumpsuit of a Republic pilot. His goggles covered enough of his face that one couldn't tell it was him at first glance. I wore my former military suit with a blonde wig. I also painted a tattoo of a Republic sign over half my face. Way to really show my loyalty. The last addition to my outfit was a single piece of broken glass I found from one of the crumbling buildings sewed into my hat. If any Patriots were watching from the rooftops, they would see it catch the light and know it was a sign.

I had to hold Day up due to his leg injury, so we looked like two drunkards stumbling along a military base. We had wandered around for a good 78 minutes and 36 seconds without any problems. Then, a soldier came up to us.

"What are you two doing?" He asked.

"This guy's had a little too much to drink, so we're trying to walk it off," I answered.

"Are you sure it's a drink?" He wondered suspiciously, looking at Day's leg. It was covered by the jumpsuit, but the outline of the bandages were still visible.

"Yeah. I'm sure he'll be fine soon." The man ignored me. He looked up at Day's face.

"You look like you have an injury, soldier." He said ominously.

"No, really it's fine—" I insisted. I could tell Day was in too much pain to speak. Before I could finish, another person walked over. She wore the same outfit as Day. I recognized her as Kaede.

"Hey! What're you guys doing here?" She greeted us with a huge fake grin on her face. "How've you been?"

Day and I just grinned back at her. The soldier decided he had better places to be and took off. Kaede dropped the facade and helped me drag Day down an alley.

"Well, well, well," Kaede looked us over. "Look who we have here."

. . .

Kaede took us down to an underground system of tunnels.

"These were built before America collapsed, and the Republic hasn't found out about them yet, so we use them," She explained. "We built rooms, extended the tunnels and added extra safety measures."

She led us to a large room that looked to be for meetings. A group of people were seated in plastic chairs. At the front of the room was a microphone and stand. Kaede pulled me and Day to the front of the room. She clutched the mic and got everyone's attention.

"HEY! EVERYBODY QUIET!" She yelled. Everyone went silent. ""Thank you. Ahem. This is Day—"

As soon as she said that, everyone exploded. Kaede yelled at them again. No one listened. She finally gave up and brought me and Day to a different room.

"Sorry about that." She apologized. "I didn't think everyone would go so crazy. Well, you two can rest here. I'll be back in half an hour with food and new clothes."

"Thanks, Kaede." Day replied.

Kaede left us alone. Day turned to me and opened his mouth to speak, but I interrupted him.

"Shh!" I said. I heard a click. I surveyed the room. It was small, about 7 by 9 feet, and only had two couches and a table. I inspected the corners. No cameras or mics. Then I realized the sound was from the door. I ran to it and jiggled the handle.


Kaede had captured us.

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