Chapter II

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I jolt awake when an ear-piercing scream echoes through the house.

Without thinking I run out of the room and crash my side into the wall, but use it to launch myself to the top of the stairs.

Unfortunately, vertigo has finally dawned on my body thus causing me to fall down the stairs. I fell face first at the bottom.

"I'm awake! Who's in trouble?!"

I was greeted by Anne eating cereal on the couch while looking at her magic doohickey box. Though she says its called a, Fune.

"Mornin'." She says with her mouth full of chewed cereal puffs.

My mind went back to tired mode. I then grumbled a response that made me sound like Hop Pop constipated. Embarrassed, I fled to the kitchen which was a good call because I was hungry because I never ate dinner yesterday.

Polly was already there and had her plate almost completely cleared.

"Hey, Polly.Do we have any chocopede pancake mix?" I ask while already rummaging through the usual cabinet its always in.

I turn to see Polly with a face of utter realization, mouth open, jaw dropped.

"Oh, sorry Sprig, I ate the last of it." Polly frantically apologizes. I forgive her and settle on some cooked eggs.

"Oh hey dude!" I hear the voice chime in while cooking them in the pan. The voice of a person with some sort of face-bump. It was Anne.

"You're making an omelette?" they ask.

"What's an omelette? Style of eggs?" I respond back. I think to myself what a stupid question she's asking. How in any universe that would sound appetizing.

"Here, I take over to make it." Proceeding to shoo me out of the way. I squint at her and scoffed.

"Whatever." The walking in the stupidest runway walk ever. Fists on my hips, eyes closed, facing up zigzagging my walk. Then cringing at myself after taking a seat next to Polly. I wait what seems like forever and Anne serves this "omelette" on a plate and placing in front of me.

"There you go dude." Anne smirks and stands there waiting for me to try it. I look back at her for a second, still grabbing the fork without breaking eye contact.

I look back and meet my eyes with the, crisp gold, perfect aroma, and the feel that this omelette might actually be good.

I took a bite. It took a second, but the flavor, texture, and everything else was unlike everything I've ever tasted.

"Wow. This is...amazing!" I quickly turn to face Anne but she was already gone. I did want to thank her, mainly because I was being a bit passive aggressive to her for no real reason.

"Hey Polly. Do you know where Anne is?"

"Beats me." She responds, somehow still eating.

Of course I finish the omelette, but immediately got to work. I put together a cork board with all the things i know about Anne.

"Ok. She's a teenager with a Fone addiction. She's a...Lisbon? Must be a country. Makes out with two pillows that each have a face on them. One's blonde other has...dark hair color."

I realize that all I have is not a lot to go on. Not even enough to walk on a leg.

"Screw it." I then half heartedly threw a dart at any location in wartwood.

"Great. It landed on Loggles. Well I guess I do have to make a stop there for Hop Pops cane, it's now broken."

I make it there and enter to spot Anne talking to Loggle. She seems embarrassed that a tube of glue got stuck to her hand.

I run over to her and quickly apologize for being pretty mean earlier breaking down crying. Then thanking her for breakfast

"Dude. I didn't even notice. I forgive you and I could teach you how to make the omelette if you really want."

Through a sniffle I respond, "Thank you I'd like that."

Loggle sallied in on me being a mess and quickly turned around and walked away.

"Give me a second. Don't tell but I broke Hop Pops cane. That's why I really need the glue."

We hug and I leave. I do believe I nailed strengthening my friendship with Anne.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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