Fail #1 An anventure of some kind

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It all has to start somewhere it could start anywhere but if it starts at the wrong point the story will be wrong. How to start were to start? Is it really that that hard to simply do a simple once upon a time or is it hard because I don't want that. But I guessed it doesn't matter as much once you already started. So hey I'm Rachel. Woo anticlimactic, anyway I live in a big city in which every person's plans are already set a and just needs to be put in action. Me, I hardly even know what I like. So oddly enough I'm one of a small group of black sheep hurray, actually it's not that bad, except from not going to mayor parties and being cast aside it's mostly doing what we want. How do I explain it? We mostly go to the Sting and just hang out but it's getting really crowded with music/tech guys and the place gets a bit flustered.

We found this new place, an abandoned skate ring. It's creepy and Sasha was regretting coming and realized that two were missing. Shit! Why does Hanna and Rox alway get into trouble. Someday I swear they'll be killed in one off their adrenaline rushing sessions. HANNA BANANA ROX TROLLS! Seriously why do I have to shout that every single time that those two run of. But if it works why stop right? And of course those two appear from opposite sides with skates and gear.

Wait pause.

WHAT? We're and how did they know to get the gear. I swear they are genies or psychic or something like the that.


So the both psychos start to race around the track which is broken down and really dangerous but Hanna falls down and there was the end of that. Thank goodness. We went to the nearest store that had anything helpful and got as much as we possibly could and rushed back. As it turns out Sasha is pretty handy. The place was done in an hour. HURRAY we got our own base. I have to say it may not be like bases of all the others it may not be full of cables and pixels like the tech geeks or be in a shopping mall like the fashion forwards but we got all that we need.

Sorry maybe I'm did start at wrong point I'll start over...

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