My brothers band - 1

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Today, I will finally see my brother Tristan again. We have always been really close, and it was hard for me when he started getting involved in his band. I was happy for him and proud, but he barely had time for me anymore. When it all started, he would go to one of the guys' places to write songs, jam, or work on something they planned. We never knew who he was meeting; he just talked about these three other guys. When they first started doing little gigs, Tris didn't even tell us. Later, he said that it was easier for him to play when no one he knew was in the crowd. Tristan always was a little closed up about the things he loved. He's okay doing things by himself. But it hurt me because even though he did not share many things with our parents, he always shared it with me. I had to listen to drum solos over and over again. And then suddenly, he had that secret project.

Shortly after they got discovered and released their first album. It was the first time I actually heard what Tristan and the boys were doing. I have to admit, I loved it from the first second. I was proud that Tristan was part of something so cool, and all the boys were talented. I also had to admit that I had a crush on the lead singer from the moment I saw the cover of the album. And when I heard his voice, it was totally over for me. Not long after, Tris walked in with that CD in his hand. It hit me even harder when they went on tour. Tristan was my safe person, and it wasn't easy for me not having him around at all. But this wasn't about me, and I knew it. It was about him and his lifelong dream of becoming a musician. I followed every step they did on social media, every show, every interview, and every post, like the proud sister I was. 

And even though I was crying about how much I missed Tris, it wasn't like he canceled me out of his life. When they went on tour, he called after every great experience and told me about it. We FaceTimed at least twice a week. During those FaceTime sessions, I got to know all the boys in the band, and I really started to like the guys more and more. Sometimes we talked for hours on the phone and laughed a lot. When we FaceTimed, the phone often got passed around. I loved when Connor told me stories and talked about what he was doing, I loved when James showed me around the tour bus or hotel, and of course, I loved talking to my brother. But I had to admit that I mostly liked when Bradley was on the other side of the phone. Yes, I thought he was very good-looking, but he also had a super charming personality, and that smile killed me every time.

Today, they will come home from their tour. It is Saturday evening, and I just stepped out of the shower. With a towel around my body, I walked towards my room when I heard voices coming from the living room. Tris said they would not be home until later today, but that was definitely him. So, I quickly rushed into my room and put on underwear and a bigger shirt over it. My wet hair, I quickly put into a messy bun and ran downstairs.

When I was in our hallway, I saw Tristan standing in the living room. I ran up to him and surprised him with a tight hug. "My favorite brother is home," I said while Tristan hugged me back. "I missed you, dumpling," Tristan has been calling me that ever since we were little. 

"Dumpling it is," I heard someone laugh behind Tristan. I stepped back from my brother and saw all the guys from the band. "Oh, hi," I said and walked up to them. First, I hugged Connor, then James, and then I walked up to Bradley.
He scanned my body up and down as I approached him. This reminded me of what I was wearing. Because I did not think that he would bring the boys here, I went downstairs with only panties and a shirt.
When I hugged Brad, I breathed in his perfume. It was a wonderful smell, and I had to admit that I started feeling nervous being so close to him. When I felt Brad's hand moving down to my waist, squeezing it gently, I felt like I could faint.
"Okay, enough hugging my half-naked sister so tightly," Tristan then added, pulling me away from Brad. A bit disappointed but also still a little confused about my feelings that just went crazy, I went up to my room again to get dressed. I put on shorts and went back down.

The boys still hadn't left their place. "So, boys, what are you up to this evening?" I asked them. "We thought of going bowling," Connor said.
"You guys spent a whole tour basically sitting on one another, and once you're back home, it doesn't stop you from doing the exact same," I laughed. "We have to celebrate the great tour we had before separating," Tristan said.
"And bowling was your first choice of doing so?" I asked with a playful grin on my face.
"You know what? She's right," Brad started smiling at me. "Let's go out clubbing."
"Now, we're talking," I said cheerfully. "Hey, who said you're invited, dumpling?" Tristan laughed, pushing me playfully. "I did," I started. "I haven't seen you in a long time, and today I will be with you." I crossed my arms in front of me and looked at him. 

"Fine, you can come," I instantly started smiling when Tristan said those words. "I am gonna go change," I said, running upstairs again.

A Requestet one.
More parts are coming ;)

Thanks @JulzLovDraco4Eva , for the Idea :)

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