Cookie's friend till the very end

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Black Raisin cookie was on patrol, looking for the crepe robots and trespassers who dares attack her village, suddenly a beam from one of the crepe robots was shot towards Black Raisin cookie but she dodges the attack, missing it by inches, she attacks back to take down that damn.. once she does she sighs, thinking the battle was over.. she then hears her fellow crows calling out for her. She lend her arm out letting them land on it and it spoke to her about more robots heading towards the village. "What? Their coming? But these were the last of them.. I just fought them!" Black Raisin cookie said, her crows then got upset and tries taking her to a different direction to where the other crepe robots were, Black Raisin cookie knew the crews  always have an eye around the place... so she has no choice but to follow her dear friend to a different part of the area, soon enough finding there were more of the crepe robots, she realise how big of a situation this was, she thanked her crow friend for letting her know and then she got infront of he robots, ready for battle, she tells the other crows to tell the village to get ready for another robot attack, as this situation is harder to deal with alone, but she isint, she has her fellow crows with her and that's was enough for her to gain confidence that they could win, and so, she attacked the crepe robots. With the help of her fellow crows, the battle was over and the crepe robots were destroyed... Black Raisin Cookie wondered when these robots will stop coming.. but for now... they will have to go back to the village to check if everyone's alright.. for now, the crows will be on patrol, and once they spotted something. Black Raising Cookie will come and deal with the situation.. she will do anything to keep her village safe.... and she kept her words and protected it.. nothing will stop her from protecting those she love and care for.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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