"Yeah!! As your teacher, I want to know why!!??" Rossweisse asked them.

"I feel that this is my fault." Ravel blamed herself. However, Irina comforts her as she said.

"No Ravel, it is not your fault on the first place." Irina said which Ravel nodded at her.

"(Sigh) Okay, I'll tell you everything we know." Kiba said as he explain everything about Rias goal on claiming Issei as her pawn and use his power to free herself from marriage. He also explain that Rias' plan is to let him die and be killed by Raynare: the Rogue Fallen Angel.

"Everything that Issei did for us was wasted!!! Why did Rias do this to us!!?? Issei did everything he could and this is what Rias will be paid for!! Being used as a tool!!! Starting today, I will quit being part of her peerage!!" She said as left them alone. Then Irina have the same expression as she said.

"You devils are worst than a scum!! I just wanted peace between devils and angels but now, its over. You have let my childhood friend died by the fallen before!! I will never talk to you, traitors!!" Irina said before she leave as Rossweisse and Ravel also leave them alone which the only remaining members of Rias peerage are left in the room.

"(Sad) This is not what I expected. Rias, you traitor." Akeno said in sadness.

"(Sad) It seems that Rias also treat us like a tool. We also been ended up just like Issei." Koneko said with sadness.

"I felt the same, but now I lost my friend, I will never trust Rias, she is a traitor." Xenovia said with sadness and anger.

With that, they felt guilty because of Rias actions trying to tell Issei the whole truth. This time will be different.

[Location: Somewhere in Kuoh]

There we see Issei who is sprinting straight without knowing where he was going.

"Damn it!! Why Rias!! Why!! You're a liar just like Raynare!! You're much worst than her!!" Issei said as the boosted gear appeared in his left arm.

"Oii!!! Partner!! Slow down, watch where you're going!! Partner!!" Ddraig tried to warned him but Issei ignored him and suddenly, a loud horn can be heard as it is reveal to be…… Truck-kun.

"Oii!!! Partner!! Slow down, watch where you're going!! Partner!!" Ddraig tried to warned him but Issei ignored him and suddenly, a loud horn can be heard as it is reveal to be…… Truck-kun

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"(Stop on his tracks) What the hell!!!" Issei said as the truck went straight to Issei.

'Noo!!! Its a legendary truck-kun!! Forgive me mom, dad and Asia!!' Issei said to his mind as he also heard the unknown voice.

"Not gonna happen. I'll save you from the legendary truck kun!!" The unknown person said as Issei look around before a force  felt around the area.

"What is this!!? Ddraig!?" Issei said in confusion.

"F*ckkk!! I knew this would happen to us!? Hold on tight partner!!" Ddraig said as both of them braced themselves before they teleported somewhere as the truck-kun got shocked as it said.

Sekiryuutei's Great Dragon War (Chaos Dragon Sekiryuu Seneki x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now