"Pizza? Please. This is a butternut squash and truffle butter flatbread." the smaller detective explained.

"Everything's spoiled. My lunch is ruined. My chicken, my potatoes, my pasta, my meatballs, ham, my yogurt." he said as he took out the entire spoiled meal and placed it all onto Boyle's hands.

"No.. not the sushi! Is it spoiled too?" Nick asked Terry who took out the ruined roll of rice and handed it to Boyle again. "Come on man! My Mum had sent it with my my sister for me." he now complained and broke the coffee mug in his bare hand. 

"So this is your lunch for, like, the month?" Charles asked with a groan. 

"I need to eat 10,000 calories a day to maintain muscle mass. My wife made me all of this before she left town with the kids. That was everything in my fridge." Terry said angrily as he forcibly shut the refrigerator door.

"Scully." Terry said to the older detective who walked in with his newspaper.

"Hey-a, Sarge." he greeted the younger detective. "We know you got a secret stash of food hidden somewhere." Terry said.

"Oh, no" he denied.

"Where is it?" he asked again. "No, I don't."

"Is it in your pockets?" Nick asked him. "Oh, come on." 

"I'm gonna shake it out of your pockets. Turn around." Terry said and he picked up Scully upside down and started shaking him.

"Release your sweets." Terry gruntingly said.


Sam was talking to Rosa and Gina about the illegally minted money she recovered this morning from a bust case. They all saw Amy walk out of Holt's office and fist bump into the air excitedly. "Why so excited?" Rosa asked her.

"Did you make the cover of "Hair Pulled Back" magazine?" Gina teased making Sam snigger in amusement. 

"The captain is coming to my party. I'm gonna give a toast, tell him how thankful I am to have him in the precinct, and officially ask him to be my mentor." she explained.

"Wait, are you only hosting dinner because you wanna suck up to Holt? Not cool." Gina said accusingly. "This was supposed to be about friendship." Sam added to her words.

"You said you were only coming to see if my apartment was the reason I was single, or if it was my personality, like you suspected." Amy said. 

"Yeah, but that was before I knew I could get up on this high horse. Love the view up here. Clip clop, clip clop, clip clop." the woman said as she walked away.

"You're coming too right? Everyone's going at 5.00." Rosa asked Sam.

"I am but I'll have to go to Boston with Nick first. We'll be there by 7." she said. "Why so far?" Amy asked her

"A friend of ours from the academy is hosting thanksgiving dinner at her family owned vine yard over there. We haven't met in years." Sam explained.

"Oh, okay. But don't take too long." Amy warned her. "We're actually gonna leave in a few minutes now so we'll try to be on time." Sam said with a shrug.


Sam stepped out of her apartment building wearing a pastel pink dress and got into Nick's car. "Whoa.." he said as he looked at her shocked. She looked gorgeous and Nick was lost for words. "What? Is something wrong?" she asked panicking.

"No nothing's wrong. It's just.. you look perfect." he admitted with a red face.

"Aww, thanks. You clean up good too." she said with a smile. Nick couldn't take his eyes off her. She looked like a beautiful angel to him. "Earth to Nick! Shall we leave?" she asked as she snapped her fingers in front of him.

"Yeah yeah, let's leave." he said while he looked like a blushing mess and drove away to head to Amy's apartment.

Sam looked out of the window with a shy smile. She hadn't expected her best friend to compliment her so sweetly. He looked adorable when he had turned all red. "He looks cute" she thought. "No, I can't think about him like that, can I?" she thought to herself but shook it off with a shake of her head. 


After a smooth three hour drive, they reached the location and met with their friend, Rosaline.

"Samantha!" she screamed as she came running to her old friend and hugged her. "Rosie!" Sam with equal energy and hugged her back.

"Nothing's changed after all." Nick said as he stood next to Sam.

"Nick! It's good to see you too." the blonde woman said and hugged him. "You guys came here together? You two are dating? Fucking finally!" she cheered. 

"We... are not dating." the detectives said at the same time. "We work at the 99 together." Sam added.

"Oh, I was really hoping to see you two together but anyways do tell me if you are seeing someone." the blonde said. "She is" Nick said pointing at Sam. "WHO?!"

"He's a billionaire, lives in Manhattan." Sam answered shyly. "You bitch! You got the jackpot. Tell me everything about him." Rosaline said as she pulled Sam with her. 


"It was so nice to have you two here today. It really made my day." Rosie said as she walked them out of the property to their car. "It was a lovely Thanksgiving treat." Sam said with a smile.

"We are gonna play some games, you guys should stay for long. Really." the blonde said. "We would've loved to but, one of our co-workers has also hosted a dinner." Nick said apologetically.

"Yeah, she'd kill us if we don't show up. It's the first our Thanksgiving with the new C.O. and he's a good guy." Sam added.

"Well, I won't stop you now but I want us to meet again with your handsome billion dollar boyfriend and your jewel like girlfriend." Rosie said

"We'll remember that. Thanks for having us today." Sam and Nick bid farewell and got inside the car. "Bye, bitches!" Rosie yelled as she waved her hand.

"Well she's the same." Sam said. "Yeah and Tommy is still the idiotic ass head he is." Nick said making her laugh.

"I saw Carol and Steven making out in the washroom." Sam admitted. "Is that why everyone was laughing when I said I wanted to use the restrooms?

"Yes, sweetie." Sam said with a laugh. "We have to go to the precinct first. William is sending a bouquet for Amy as a thanking gift." 

"He's not coming? I though he would." Nick asked her. "He's down with cold that's why he said I shouldn't visit him till he recovers" she explained. "He's sent a gift though. It's a dress." she said.

"That's nice. What did you gift him?" Nick asked her. "A watch. He broke his favorite one during gym training. It has a SOS dial on it for him to press it during emergency." 

"That's clever, really." Nick commented. 

"I've got you a present too." Sam said smiling. "And you know I did too. But I'll give it to you at the dinner." Nick said with a smirk

"Let's hope we reach in time to Amy's then." she added. Not even ten minutes into the drive and the two were stuck in traffic. The cars were blaring with the horns. 

"Of course its the worst traffic today, everyone moves out of city the same time." Sam said frustratingly. 

"We'll reach in time, don't worry." he tried to assure her. "It's already showing five hours on the map now." she said as she checked her phone.

"What- how?" he asked. "We won't make it on time! Welcome to the hell of traffic then." he said grimly.

YOU WITH ME - A B99 STORY (OC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now