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"sleep in my room"
What am I saying? We can't sleep in the same room. what was I thinking? But...
"Oh- no it's okay Kaz I can sleep here, I've slept in a lot worse places ha" Inej said
I can see the red forming at her cheeks, a slight glimpse of pink, covering her freckles.
oh good, it's best she dosent sleep in my room .
what am I doing!? Kaz leave it be.
"Yeah?" She said almost way to fast, she noticed the quickness in her answer and shifted her eyes to her shoes.
was she nervous? Why?
Am I nervous?
"Inej sleep in my room."
"No I'm okay seriousl-"
"'re gonna need a good sleep tonight, your parents are here and I don't think you want to cut your afternoon short tomorrow because you didn't get a good rest."
"well, your right I guess." She said
She's sleeping in my room. On my bed. With me.
damn it kaz.
"good. im gonna close up—make sure everything's alright down stairs."
"Ok do you need any help?" Inej said
I can tell she was still nervous in the way she scanned the room for any distractions and the way she blushed when she realized I was staring at her.

After close up

Did kaz seriously ask me to sleep in his room?
I don't know if I want to jump up and down or throw up because I'm nervous.

I walked up the third floor where Kaz's room is, his room is quite large, empty mainly, all he has is the basics...a bed...a night stand and OH a mirror!
I walked inside his bathroom to see exactly what I'm working with.
But it's the same as his room... empty, of course he has his basic hygiene things, and I guess I couldn't see Kaz taking the time out of his vengeful days to decorate his bathroom but its what It is.

I was walking to the middle of his room when I heard a knock on the bedroom door, then it opened.
It was Kaz
"Are you okay?"
"Um yeah I was just—here"
I didn't want him to know I was being a snoop and looking around at all his things, but Inej knew kaz knew.
"You were looking around...right?"
A slight smile appeared on his face, one that Inej almost missed.
He should smile more.
"Okay yeah I was, your room is so empty Kaz"
"I dont think losing time on making plans for heists is worth it just so I can "decorate my room"."
"Hmm. I can decorate it for you, your room is so big, you can do SO MUCH with it."
WHYD i say that?! Kaz will not let you decorate his room, are you kidding!? He's one of the top criminals in this town, the last thing he would want is a nice, clean, DECORATED room.
"Okay" kaz said
"What- I was kidding, I know you probably like the emptiness Kaz"
Another smile. Kaz smiled again at her. This time his smile made her heart skip a beat, made her stumach flip.
"Inej, decorate my room. it needs a touch up anyway." Kaz said while slowly moving towards Inej in the middle of the room. He didn't have his cane again nor his gloves. He paused not even 3 inches in front of her.
"I know this situation is probably uncomfortable Inej, since— we'll be sleeping in the same bed but It would be nice if you didn't stab me a million times In my sleep."
"Huh? What do you mean" a confused look clouded my face
"Your knives."
"Ohhh righttt, im sorry let me take them off-"
"Let me help."
This time I'm pretty sure my heart skipped 5 beats, I felt the heat rush to my cheeks.
Let me help?? such a simple gesture can make my head spin.
"Um sure, thanks."
He began walking closer, so now he was directly in front of me
If I were to look up at him and move an inch forward we would be kissing...
"May I?" He said
He began to unhook the knives at my chest, placing them on the table next to us in a metal plate.
His hands were so gentle, so quiet and swift that if I weren't looking I wouldn't have known he had already taken all knives from my torso.
He began moving to my legs to take the ones from my thighs out.
"Around 16 right?"he said
"You carry around 16 knives on you?"
"Oh yeah, I didn't know you knew how much I carried"
He knew? I Never told him. He actually payed attention. Another stumach flip.
"Of course I know... I"
Kaz had finished taking the knives from both my legs
"Turn around"
I gave him a quick shocked look that he noticed immediately
I slowly turned around wondering why he'd ask me.
Slowly I felt his hands touch my shoulders, he then touched my hair where my braid started.
"I remember you telling me something about a new knife you had required that you put in your hair."
of course, I forgot about that knife.
"Ohhh right"
He took that knife out and placed it on the metal plate. He then placed his hands on my shoulder and slowly turned me around back facing him.
We were so close.
He looked down at me his eyes exploring every hidden feature on my face from my eyebrows to my lips.
Then I shivered as I felt his hands slowly and gently slide down the side of my torso to my waist. He kept his eyes on my lips and his hands on my waist.
I felt him pull me half and inch closer to him.
"Can I ask you a question?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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