Act I - Chapter II - Frivolous Friendship

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Po continued his trek through the cool forest, dreading what was to come thanks to the baking sun as well as the fact he was now currently housing a young Tigress inside of his wheelbarrow. He could see the clearing within the forest that would soon illuminate the Valley of Peace underneath that signature sunset glow that Po honestly found astounding yet he couldn't always watch on from afar thanks to being busy inside of the noodle shop.

Throughout most of the trip towards the Valley of Peace, both Tigress and Po had remained silent thanks to them having frightful thoughts running throughout their mind. On one hand, Po was unsure if his father would be so accepting about him bringing back the very same Tigress who escaped from Bao-Gu orphanage and the one who racked up all of that negative reputation. On the other hand, Tigress was afraid that someone would find her inside of the Valley of Peace or that Po's father would end up taking her back to Bao-Gu to be sentenced to her same fate within that grey cellar that plagued her memory.

Po couldn't comprehend how much fear that Tigress was in at that moment, yet he could understand it considering he would often wear a cloak outside of the Valley of Peace to prevent bounty hunters from trying to take him down and turn him into a carpet, something that had become less of a threat with the impending summoning of the new Furious Five that were destined to defend the valley. That and the fact that banditry was currently too strenuous of an activity to perform without being struck down by some form of heatstroke in the process.

Here Tigress was, leaving the forest that had served as her point of refuge for the past two years as she had milked nature itself dry of its resources whilst setting up multiple outposts on both sides of the forest in the hopes of surviving another day. If it hadn't been for Po, she would've been forced to run back to Bao-Gu or into the Valley of Peace itself to find some food before she would've starved to death. Thankfully, she had managed to maintain her weight as well as work out to the point where she had some muscles forming on her body thanks to her species adapting to going without food for long periods of time.

Eventually, Po reached the end of the forest and happened to be scorched by the sun once again, forcing him to put on his straw hat that he had sourced as a freebie from Mr & Ms. Mian. Meanwhile, Tigress only noticed a slight increase in heat as well as a decrease in humidity as she was sheltered by a bunch of tanned bags housing saffron as well as flour, her nose enchanted by the sweet smell of the vegetables lining the two crates behind and in front of her.

He managed to successfully climb the hill that he had previously fallen down thanks to taking a moment to sightsee without securing his wheelbarrow in place, taking a moment to take a deep breath as well as to appreciate that very same view that he had dreamed about seeing ever since he was a child. Here he was, his feet planted firmly on the ground as he was able to witness the ethereal rays of sunshine bouncing off the Jade Palace overlooking the Valley of Peace as well as the various establishments and houses lining the valley itself; the sunlight was that strong to the point where he could even see the rivers rushing with pride whilst warmed by the sun above.

"Ah, the Valley of Peace is always so beautiful at sunset. Sorry for stopping, Ti, I've always wanted to see the valley at this time and from this far away. Now's the chance for me to savour that view and I think you should poke your head out, too! There's nobody around, just little ants inside of the Valley of Peace from this far away!" Po exclaimed whilst soaking in the warming view of the valley before him as Tigress poked her head out from between several of the bags shielding her, a gasp soon followed as her eyes watered thanks to her emotions flowing back to her after an immense absence.

"I-I tried to run from this place? It's beautiful! Sure, I can still see that dreaded orphanage in the corner but I assume that's far away from where I'll be staying, right?" Tigress turned towards Po, who occupied himself with his sightseeing. "Po?"

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