The Sons of Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR

Start from the beginning

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR has to start to plan for his oldest son to marry and he looks high and low, and finally negotiates for Lord Charles Andrew Howard the Third to marry Lady Victoria Charlotte Stanhope in 2249 he will be 19 years old and his chosen fiancee is only 17 but in the year of 2251 Lord Charles Andrew Howard III will be 20 years old and Lady Charlotte Victoria Stanhope will be 18 years old.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard Jr also has to plan for the marriage of his eldest daughter, Lady Patricia Charlene who is 14 years old and in the year of 2250 it will be time to take her to her cotillion and there she will be presented to polite society and introduced into the marriage market for Star Base 10 and 12.

Lady Patricia Charlene Howard is the second eldest great-great-granddaughter of Lord Patrick William Howard through his son, Lord Frederick William Howard and through his heir, Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior and Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR won't marry his eldest daughter to anything less than a the eldest son of a Duke or an Earl, as there were no Marquesses on Star Base 10 or 12 until later, but there were sons of Viscounts and Barons.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior escorts Lady Patricia Chaarlene to the cotillion and at the cotillion is Lord Ralph Neville, Earl of Westmoreland Territory from Star Base 10 with his son, Lord Richard Neville who is his eldest son and heir and he is very handsome and he is in need of a wife.

Lord Ralph Neville walks up with very handsome son, 17 years old Lord Richard Neville and he bows to Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR returns the bow to Lord Ralph Neville, and Lord Neville asks Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR " My son is looking for a bride. His bride will become the next Countess of Westmoreland, and I believe my great-grandfather, Lord Edward Neville came with Lord Patrick William Howard in 2153." Lord Ralph tells Lord Charles Andrew Junior, "but my great-grandfather settled on Star Base 10 and he became Earl of Westmorland Territory and my grandfather was Lord John Neville and my father, Lord Edward Neville told me that the Lady Katherine Howard married into my family." Lord Ralph tells Lord Charles Andrew JR.

"I am not surprised my noble ancestor was Lord John Howard, 1st Duke of Norfolk and his father was Sir Robert Howard and his mother was Lady Margaret Mowbray, and they had three children but only two survived, Lord John and his sister, Lady Catherine. " Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

My son, Lord Richard Neville is 17 years old but in three years he will be ready to marry and settle down." Lord Ralph explains.

"What plans do you have for your eldest daughter and are you willing to negotiate?" Lord Ralph asks Lord Charles Andrew JR.

"I am willing to sit down and talk with your wife, and my wife." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR tells him.

"Lady Patricia, my wife needs to have some say in who our eldest daughter marries, as we also have a five year old daughter, Lady Charlotte Augusta Howard, and I have a second son, Lord Patrick William Howard II, who will attend the cotillion in 2257." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR states.

"I am open for discussion." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR tells Lord Ralph.

Before Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and Lord Ralph Neville know it, Lord Richard Neville introduces himself to Lady Patricia Charlene Howard and at her cotillion they dance every dance together and before either father knows it they decide to marry each other in 2253.

"Looks like our children have already decided who they are going to marry. I won't stand in my daughter's way if she wants to marry your son." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"Lord Howard. You won't regret it. I know that your great-grandfather and my great-grandfather would approve of the match." Lord Ralph tells him.

Lady Patricia Charlene Howard isn't the problem, it is Lord Charles Andrew Howard III and Lady Victoria Charlotte Stanhope when they marry, and Lord Charles Andrew Howard III decides not to consummate his marriage to Lady Victoria Charlotte Stanhope, as he finds out she is tainted and she has already slept with half the young men of Star Base 12 and she gives out her favors to every man on Star Base 12.

Part Three of The First Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now