Family Matters

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"Do you need your anxiety meds? Your mom gave them to me just in case you needed them" Yoko said during brunch the next day. They were seated outdoors at a small town café while Enid turned her head at every person that passed her.

She was hoping to get a glimpse of Wednesday again, to confirm she really did see her the day before but to no avail.

"No my mind is distracted I think it was Bianca's waft of stench she put on me last night" she joked. Bianca looked exasperated and said "I'm sorry ok? I had a sexy dream you can't be mad at me. Plus, no one has hit on you this whole time we've been out. So.. you're welcome."

Enid sighed. She didn't like that technically she had another alpha's scent to claim her, no matter how deep that truth went. The scent would fade the next day because it wouldn't be continuous but it bothered her to be tethered down to anyone.

"What do we know about the trail we passed by yesterday?" She asked out of the blue. Divina twisted her mouth to the side and said, "on Yelp when we looked up this town all they said is that it's called Goody's Regional Park and I didn't click any further."

"Maybe we should go" Enid said a little nervously.

"After seeing a dead body car? No way."

"But that's part of the fun! It's mysterious and we can all do some ghost hunting if we have to."

Yoko shook her head and said, "no way E we already have plans tonight to go back to the beach and have some drinks and have that little campfire."

Enid sighed and slumped into the plastic chair she was sitting on. It was stupid of her to think going to Goody's Regional Park would even mean they would encounter that girl again but it was so odd. She couldn't get her unforgiving stare out of her mind.


The rest of the day went without a hitch. Shopping, gossiping, and too many times Enid's friends had to stop telling a story with the name Ajax to spare Enid the discomfort.

That night as they roasted marshmallows over the fire on the beach, the only sound over their erupted laughter was the ocean and Enid relished in the feeling of being out alone with no one but them against the world.

They had quite a few mixed drinks and Enid's emotional 'the world is beautiful and I'm so grateful' drunk spirit was coming out of her.

Everything was so peaceful and happy, nothing could ever disrupt the ecstasy she was feeling. High school finally finished and they had the rest of their lives to think about and plan for.

Then the drunk feeling of 'oh my god I'm about to piss myself' began to hit and she excused herself to run off to some semi far away bushels and relieved her full bladder.

"Jesus Christ I cannot drink white claws anymore," she said to herself and stumbled as she got up from her squatting position.

She pulled her pants up and felt an odd air behind her as the wind hushed slightly. Slowly but surely she turned her body and saw Wednesday standing about 15 feet away from her.

"What the fuck" she said out loud rubbing her eyes to see if she had wishful thinking or was going insane.

"What are you doing here?" Enid looked around and felt her heartbeat begin to race as she realized no car could've brought the girl over here and the fact that she was alone made her even more uncomfortable.

"I was passing by and heard the sound of obnoxious laughter."

Enid blinked at her and realized she was actually interacting with her, and that her voice was much more monotone than in her dream.

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