Chapter 24: Tornado

Start from the beginning

"Thomas?" I breathed out.

He slowly turned his head to me and whispered, "Why didn't you save us? You could've."

Then he breathed once and closed his eyes for good. I cried and cried and cried.

His words echoed in my mind.

I could've saved them


Thomas' POV

After Jade fell asleep, we all just chatted and told jokes.

Awhile later, we were laughing at one of Ollie's jokes when I heard Jade whimpering.


She started to cry. Hard.

I shook her, "Jade, Jade!"

She shot up and panted. She looked up at me. Her eyes were bloodshot and her body was shaking.

"Hey hey hey, it was just a bad dream." I told her as I held her in my arms and rocked her back and forth to calm her down.

"Thomas, I'm so scared." She whimpered.

"Shh... do you want to talk about it?"

She shook her head.

"Okay." I kissed the top of her head. "Go back to sleep."

She nodded and slept.

"What's wrong?" Will asked.

"Bad dream. But I don't know what could make her so shaken up."

"She's really sensitive. And you have to always calm her down, or she could have a panic attack." Ollie said.


Jade's POV

It's been 5 hours since the tornado started. We're playing 'Go Fish' with a deck of cards Ki Hong found.

"Got any 6?" Dylan asked me.

"No, go fish." I said.

He groaned and took a card.

"Got any 8?" I asked Thomas.

He closed his eyes and sighed. He handed me the cards.

I took them happily and slammed them and mine down.

"I win." I said.

Everyone groaned and I cheered.

"Still great at playing games I see." Ollie said.

"How could I understand how to play cards back then?"

"You were a genius. You beat me in chess once."

"Good evening England. Breaking news. The tornado has now cleared. So you may go outsi-" The radio was cut off by us cheering.

We got our bags and went upstairs. Thank goodness the house is fine. Just a few broken shingles on the roof.

Me and Thomas went to our room and started unpacking. Then I heard my phone ring.

"Yello?" I said.

"Honey are you okay? How's Ollie? We're sorry we didn't tell you. Is the house okay? How are your friends? Yes we heard the news." Mom said at the other side.

"The tornado passed and everything's fine. We're all okay Mom don't worry."

"Oh thank goodness. Okay then, so how's your heart and breathing?"

"I'm feeling great Mom! Treatment's working. I don't have any more problems."

"Great to hear hun. Okay I have to go now. Me and your father have a meeting to go to. Bye hun! Love ya!"

"Bye Mom." I hung up.

"Who's that?" Thomas asked as he unpacked his bags.

"Mom. Just checking up."

He nodded and went back to unpacking.

After we finished, me, Thomas and the others watched TV to calm ourselves down.

In the middle of Jaws, I got a phone call.

"Hello?" I said.

"It's been a while since I've heard your voice Jade." A male voice said at the other side.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Somebody from your past. But now, I will also be your present and future."

"Just tell me who you are!"

"Oh Jade, how can you be so dumb? I though you were smart."

"Tell me your name!"

"Jade, it's me, Sam."

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