Beginning the Battle

Start from the beginning

"I-I thought you were joking about that." Izuku panicked a bit with Katsumi sounding a little uneasy on the other side of the line.

"D-don't think I'd make claims like that and give you my panties for a joke, dumbass! Besides, I already made up my mind to do this. And to be honest, can you live with knowing this and looking at the girls in your class?"

"'re right. I don't think I can."

"Good. Now I'll be there in five."

Ok." Izuku hunt up and looked at his room. There were a few things on the floor and a few cans of soda he's let accumulate in a few days. "I should probably make sure everything's clean before she gets here."

Izuku took the time to clean his room and at least make it presentable enough where he won't feel as guilty having Katsumi stay in it. Once he finished cleaning the bowls and cups and placed them on the drying rack, the doorbell rang to have Izuku head towards the front. Once he opened it, Katsumi was waiting in a sleeveless black shirt with a skull and white gym shorts. "Hey."

"Uhh, hey." The two stayed silent for a bit before Katsumi cleared her throat to give Izuku the message to try and break the ice a bit. "C-come in." They walked in and went towards the couch. The two sat in what felt like an eternity. Both were somewhat uneasy on how to start this.

"So something to break the ice first?"

"Like what?"

"Well." Katsumi put her fingers together before answering. "We could umm...k-kiss first and go from there." Hearing this, Izuku went red before looking at Katsumi. She seemed to be just as red while trying to avoid the embarrassment of what was happening. He knew he had to act first to avoid making his childhood friend from feeling anymore unease.

"Ok." He gathered up all the courage he had and turned towards Katsumi. He placed his hands on her shoulders before slowly moving to kiss Katsumi. She was uneasy with this not being the type to let someone take the lead, but knowing Izuku needed to make the first move before her. As their lips met, Izuku took note of how soft Katsumi's lips were as her hands started to move to his chest.

As this occurred, Katsumi began to fall into the feeling of this and moved a bit forward. 'This feels nice. I...I think I like kissing.' Her arms started to wrap around Izuku's neck as his slid down towards her back. In the heat of the moment, Izuku didn't acknowledge him falling backwards on the couch to fall to his back and have Katsumi land on his chest to feel her chest press against him. The soft sensation forced his mind to go into overdrive and begin to react. "Hmm?" Katsumi pulled herself away as she felt a tent start bulging in Izuku's pants. She smirked seeing this before looking down at Izuku. "You wanna take this in the other room?"

Izuku nodded slightly as they got up and began heading towards his bedroom. Katsumi shut and locked the door behind them before walking over and giving Izuku one more kiss before pushing him back to sit on the edge of his bed. When he did, the ash blond latched onto the sides of his shorts and boxers with a little nervousness. She decided to go all at once in order to prevent anymore dragging in her belief. Once she did, she saw Izuku's semi flaccid member stand up.

"Holy crap, Izuku. It's bigger than I remember." She went down towards his lower half to take a bit more of a closer look. 'So this is what a man looks like when he's interested in a woman sexually.' She started to slowly move her hand to grab Izuku's length and slowly move it up and down. 'When I saw Katsuki do this to himself, he seemed to enjoy it. So does that mean guys like this?' The ash blond thought back to the few times she's seen her brother handle himself to remember him watching a dirty video in his room. 'If I remember, the woman took the dick in her mouth like this.'  Katsumi opened her mouth to put the head of Izuku's dick in her mouth. The soft sensation of her tongue and mouth forced Izuku to stifle a moan. 'This kinda hurts to do. I think she tried to put it deeper in.' She continued to go as deep as she could to gag at almost the halfway mark. The act made her throat tighten  and have the OFA user get shivers down his spine.

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