"Um." Shoto said awkwardly, looking at Rosemi for assistance, Rosemi only but shrugged.

"Anyways Prince. We would not know when the people are to arrive but are these people here to assist us...or?" Maria said as she looked at the 5 boys.

The group of 5 all looked amongst themselves.

"If it's for Shoto, I'll do anything." One with purple hair simply said.

"Ah- well count me in then." Another one said.

"I'm counting yous all in." Rosemi shot a glare at them making them all quickly nod.

Shoto happened to catch something by the glimpse of his eye, he stared at the spot tilting his head confused, he felt somewhat uneasy, he wouldn't know what to call the feeling.

"I sure do hope the others will be okay." Rosemi mumbled softly before clicking.

She quickly went over to Shu and pulled his hair making him yelp in surprise, taking everyone else by surprise aswell.

"When this is over, you apologize to Ike, then to Shoto, okay?" Rosemi said sternly.

Shu nodded his head holding his hair as it was still hurting, Rosemi smiled and nodded her head in satisfaction and walked away.

"Just a moment." Shoto said to Shu making him nod as Shoto placed him down.

"Rosemi..." Shoto mumbled.

"Yes your highness?" Rosemi replied turning to Shoto.

Shoto stared up before looking at Rosemi.


Before anyone could react, Shoto quickly pushed down and, a sword pierced right through Shoto, the impact flew him into the wall as he crashed down.

"YOUR HIGHNESS-!" Rosemi screamed as she quickly stood up and ran over to him kneeling down beside him panicking.

"No, no, no...." She kept repeating as she ripped off some of her sleeves to attempt to stop the bleeding.

Maria ran over to Shoto kneeling down beside him as she ripped off some of her dress to help Rosemi stop the bleeding. The others all watched as people started appearing and all looked at the 2 royals, not caring about the others.

"HEY! IMBECILES, PROTECT THOSE 3." Scarle said as she quickly snatched a sword and kicked one the people to the ground quickly slicing them.

Aia quickly ran beside Shu and pushed him back down, taking his sword.

"Sit down, you're injured." She said as she quickly ran to assist all the others.

"I failed...I failed you, I'm sorry!" Rosemi said taking Shotos hands in hers.

Maria just looked down as she kept trying to stop the blood.

"You have to stop blaming yourself you know?" Shoto mumbled softly wincing in pain every now and then.

"I...." Shoto thought about what to say for a moment.

"If...I don't make it, apologize to Luca for me, okay?" Shoto said softly.

"Shoto, quiet. You're going to live..." Maria mumbled softly ripping more off her dress.

Aia looked over her shoulder to see Scarle having a lot of people on her, she was about to go help before another person swinging at her stopped her from doing so. Aia quickly finished them off and began making way to Scarle avoiding everyone.

"Scarle!" Aia yelled out, making Scarle look at Aia.

"Aia! Stay back!" Scarle said as she quickly dodged 2 people swinging at her, Scarle was in clear panic mode and was injured quite badly.

Aia quickly stepped back making a person who was about to stab her fall to the ground, Aia quickly sliced their neck. And noticed someone coming up behind Scarle, she quickly ran infront of the person and pierced the sword through the guys stomach.

Blood dripped down, Scarle looked behind her, her eyes widening at the sight before her. Aia did successfully stab the guy, but, the guy also managed to stab Aia. They both fell to the ground, Aia kicked the guys stomach causing blood to flow out his mouth.

Scarle dropped her sword and kneeled down beside Aia holding her close, she gripped onto her hand as Aia stared up at her.

"I...know...sorry, I couldn't just let him kill you instead.." Aia coughed slightly.

"Stop- talking! Just breath please!" Scarle panicked as she quickly ripped some of her shirt off and pressed it against the wound.

Aia's vision started to fall hazy as she tried keeping herself conscious.

"Hey...love?" Aia said.

"Yeah..?" Scarle mumbled softly.

"Promise me.." Aia said softly as she held Scarle's hand tighter.

"Promise me you'll marry me in our next life!" Aia said.

Scarle lowered her head, tears falling down.

"I'll marry you in every life, promise." Scarle nodded her head.

"Also...can you please take care of Maria for me...?" Aia smiled at her, her vision going hazier.

Scarle nodded her head.

"Thank you."

Scarle placed a hand on Aia's cheek and leaned down, giving her one last kiss.





A/n: now....you see...........the angst doesn't stop here, no, no, this bout to be a rollercoaster.

Please don't murder me though..

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