Idea Dump 2: Arisu visits the Classroom of the Elite Subreddit

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Sakayanagi Arisu

"Where am I?"

After fantasizing about making love with Ayanokōji-kun, I immediately fell unconscious, taken by the welcome embrace of slumber.

That was routine and normal.

What was not routine and normal, however, was the place I found myself upon waking up. 

I tried to gather my bearings, but the disorientation persisted. My head throbbed with a dull pain, and my thoughts were clouded. As I slowly got up, my cane fell to the ground, the sound echoing in the unfamiliar room.

The room was dimly lit, with only a small lamp on a nearby table providing a soft glow. The air was stale, and a musty smell hung in the air. The walls were lined with bookshelves, filled with dusty volumes that looked like they hadn't been touched in ages.

My gaze fell on the window, which was covered in thick curtains. I pulled them apart, and the bright sunlight momentarily blinded me. As my vision cleared, I realized that I was in a secluded cabin in the woods, surrounded by towering trees that seemed to stretch to the sky.

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. How did I get here? Who had brought me to this place? And why?

As I tried to make sense of the situation, I noticed that the door was locked from the outside. Panic seized me, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. Was I being held captive? Was this some kind of trap?

I slowly made my way around the room, my cane tapping against the wooden floor. As I approached the bookshelves, I noticed a small note sticking out from one of the volumes. I cautiously pulled it out, and my eyes widened as I read the message.

"Open the Laptop," it said.

My curiosity got the better of me, and I made my way over to a nearby desk, where a laptop lay closed. As I opened it, my heart raced with anticipation. What would I find on the device?

To my surprise, the laptop was already turned on. 

Upon clicking away, I saw the web browser displaying a website called "Reddit," with a header with the faces of Ayanokōji-kun, Karuizawa-san, Dragon-boy, Shiina-san, Horikita-san, and two irrelevant characters.

Upon clicking away, I saw the web browser displaying a website called "Reddit," with a header with the faces of Ayanokōji-kun, Karuizawa-san, Dragon-boy, Shiina-san, Horikita-san, and two irrelevant characters

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How... was this even possible?

But I did not let my surprise take over me for too long, as I began scrolling through the website, trying to make sense of the situation. 

The information that I've gone through... had thoroughly surprised me.

Apparently, I was a character in a Light Novel series named Classroom of the Elite, which had Ayanokōji-kun as its lead protagonist. 

There were a bunch of pathetic losers arguing about who was better between him and the deplorable Kōenji-kun... which made no sense.

Ayanokōji-kun is simply better, and more attractive.

Classroom of the Elite: The Idea DumpsWhere stories live. Discover now