Chapter 4: The reveal

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Plutos pov:
I can't believe my eyes..I opened discord to vc my honeymunchkins just to see him in a private call with hild. My heart slowly falls apart as a i realize the man i've always loved does not love me back😭 I cannot let this go without getting my revenge so i start plotting...
i set my revenge into plan..kill hild. it's easy all i need to do it lure him away from m-mowlid...i can't say his name without my world crashing down again. anger takes over me as a remember what they have done to me and i will make them PAY *evil laughs* all i need to do is pretend like everything is okay and shoot hild.

Hilds pov:
I notice pluto acting strange i'm scared he found out about my secret with his e-bf but that's impossible so i let the thought go and proceed to ask mowlid if he's up to e-sex.

Mowlids pov:
During my session with hild i've been stressing over pluto finding out i'm cheating and i'm afraid he will do something to hild or worst of terrified i text hild and cut ties with him even tho he begs me and even offered to buy me nitro...he almost got me but i had to stay strong for my safety. *sigh*

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