Leaving home •1•

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Harry's PoV-
My names harry I'm 16 years old I began to write on the paper in front of me in English class we where writing speeches class was almost over and it was the last lesson of the day thank god I thought to myself the bell rings I grab my book and pencil case and put it in my bag soon enough I'm walking home as I reach my street I see two police cars and another car parked outside my house I walk towards the door unlocking it as I enter there's police everywhere looking in everything I hear my mums voice

"No your not taking the kid no way he's mine" she shouts

"Listen it's only untill your out of prison" a strange voice says
Prison why is mum going to prison I enter the kitchen where they're talking

"Hey bud you must be harry" a voice says to me as I walk in the door way

"Umm yeah why" I say

"I'm Callum from social services why don't we go to your room and have a little chat" he says

"Okay why" I reply

"Don't worry come on" he says

I walk upstairs and find my bedroom key unlocking it I walk in chucking my bag on the floor I sit on the bed he walks in and shuts the door behind him making his way to the chair

"Buddy I know this is scary" he says

"What do you want" I ask annoyed

"You need to get everything together any clothes and personal belongings your going to stay somewhere else" he says

"No I'm staying here" I say now more annoyed

"You have no choice I'm sorry dude" he says
I get up and grab my suite case from under my bed and start packing my clothes into it once it's full I grab my backpack I put my charger, iPad, laptop and my baby blanket in it.

"Come on let's go to my car" Callum's says
I nod

"I'll take your suite case go say bye to your mum" he says we walk downstairs he walks outside I go to the kitchen

"Harry sweetie it won't be long I promise" she says hugging me

"I know mum I love you" I say back

"Come on harry we've got to go" Callum shouts

I walk outside and to the car I sit in the back as I'm still short I don't usually use a car seat as I'm 16 and that's embarrassing but Callum says I have to because of my height

"Hey do you want to stop and get food we've got an hour till we get to where your staying" Callum says

"Okay" I reply looking out the window

"Is McDonald's okay" he says looking on the rear view mirror

"Yeah I guess" I say
We pull up to the drive through and he looks back at me

"What would you like" he asks

"Just a coke please" I say

"Nothing to eat" he questions

"No thank you" I say politely

Soon enough he's paid and he passes me my drink and we're back on the motor way a while later we enter a place called London I've only ever seen London in pictures and in the news never in person

We reach a row on mice houses and Callum stops the car

"Right harry here's my number call me if you need anything okay" he says passing me a slip of paper

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