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It was a few days after the attack, and Adeline still had images of Rowan occasionally flash through her mind. Lying there, bleeding out, his insides strewn across the dirt. All while she stood there, helpless.

And the worst part about it?

Everybody thought that it was a complete and utter lie.

Of course, Adeline hadn't told anybody, she didn't want her secret to be spilled. It was Wednesday who had explained the situation to the local Sheriff, and Principal Weems. But it was hard to believe her when Rowan showed up the next morning, unharmed and perfectly fine. Aside from the fact that he was being expelled.

She had been trying to keep calm throughout the past two days, stopping herself from getting angry. Or scared. And so she walked, steadily, to the Greenhouse, her bag slung around her shoulder. Carnivorous plants, the topic was, this term. She enjoyed the subject; it was interesting, to say the least. But not when you had witnessed a boy having his guts torn out in front of you. That was all she could think about. The guilt that gnawed on her skin and bones, corrupting her mind, draining her body, and sending her into a constant state of emptiness.

Adeline trudged into the classroom, spotting Wednesday hovering uncertainly beside Xavier's desk. She rolled her eyes. Xavier was one of her best friends, but he did have a tendency to think that every girl he spoke to had an interest in him. He was probably trying to guilt-trip Wednesday into sitting next to him.

'There's an open spot next to me.' He said, drawing what seemed to be a spider in charcoal. 'If you can stand sitting that close to an elitist snob.'

Wednesday seemed to inch just slightly closer to Xavier's desk, before a hand grasped her sleeve and tugged her towards a desk at the back of the classroom. Adeline didn't particularly know why she had done that. Perhaps it was the tiniest spark of jealousy that was simmering inside of her.

'I think she'd prefer to sit with me.' Adeline said with a small smirk, enjoying the look of annoyance on Xavier's face. He placed one hand over his drawing and it slowly rose out of the page, all eight legs creeping towards the two girls, who were sat at a table behind Xavier. Adeline was rummaging through her bag and loudly slamming items down onto the desk. Pencilcase. Books. Textbook.

'I doubt Wednesday and Adeline are impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe.' A red-haired woman at the front of the class scolded. Miss Thornhill. A bit of a suck-up to the students, really. Adeline looked up at the mention of her name, only to see a spider crawling towards her.

She froze.

She hated spiders.

Her dad used to use them to torment her when she was little.

Wednesday probably noticed the fluffy-haired girl's state of panic, and she struck her hand down onto the table, causing the arachnid to disintegrate imminently.  A hum of laughter spread across the classroom, Xavier himself looking a little embarrassed.

'Thanks.' Adeline whispered, smiling. Wednesday simply gave her a nod. No surprise there.

'Wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants. Now... who can tell us the name of this beauty?' Miss Thornhill said, looking expectantly around the classroom.

Dendrophylax lindenii. Also known as the ghost orchid, first discovered on the Isle of Wight. 1854. Possesses strong hallucinogenic properties. How easy. It was in the homework she set. Adeline thought, clearly happy with herself for knowing the answer.

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