Why are you saying this?

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Chapter 2:

After the death of Prince Edward The Queen shut herself from everyone even Princess Annie. Annie was all alone she had never exprienced this kind of feeling being left out.

She always talks to a painting of Prince Edward asking questions to the painting. She doesn't understand that her Brother was gone, she always thought that her brother is inside the painting.

14 Years later...

Princess Annie was now 16. Things happen in the last 14 years, The Queen hated Annie because she blamed that she didn't do anything when Prince Edward died.

Princess Annie Loved her Mother very much even if she hated her. But when she found out about death, it suddenly became sad. And sad became depression.

But One day something happen...

It was Night time Princess Annie was preparing to sleep. She then lay down on her bed and sleep. But she got the weirdest dream ever.

Starting of Dream:

A: "Where am I?"

E: "Well, well, well look who came into the hell whole with me"
He chuckled looking at the grown up princess

A: "Edward?"

E: "Hello, You've grown up so much Annie"

A: "Thank You... I guess?"

E: "You don't have to thank me, So what do you want to talk about Annie?"

A: "Uh, did you actually answer my questions when I was a kid"

E: "No, you think a small looking woman with a big happy, cheery personality is going to get a answer"

A: "Exuce Me are you Insulting me!?"

E: "Yes very much"

A: "Edward why aren't you the same person that i know?,you used to be happy and now you turned out like this"

E: "do you not realize, you are in our Mother's shadow"

A: "What are you talking about?"

E: "Annie you are in everybody's shadows, your like a puppy that follows people around wanting for them to protect you"


E: "Annie dear did you forget, we are in a dream I am not even real!" He laughed but to Annie he laughed like a pschyo.

Annie then wakes up with tears in her eyes, with anger in her face. She wanted to punch the Painting that has Edward in it but she knows that it was a dream.

It was fake not real.

A: "I Hate you for what you did to me..."

W: 411 (words)

Welp this is Chapter 2 of this book hope you enjoyed this 🙂

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