The Dark Forest..

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Strange trees stood before the four animals, The trees had formed to make a type of face, Kitty and Puss held the map, Dam sighed and started to walk into the forest, The darkness before her was beautiful.

"It's.. More beautiful than I thought." Dam laughed, Trying to make her fears become smaller with laughter.

"This is the dark forest." Puss confirmed.

"No crap, Doofus." Dam face palmed, put her hand in the darkness and pulled into back out, Fear had won, For a short while.

When she pulled it out, An empty space was where her hand used to be, The three cats screamed, Perro almost fainted.

"Why- Where-?!" Dam was stuttering, suddenly her hand reappeared, she sighed, Thanking the gods silently.

"It's back!" Kitty said, Laughing nervously.

"Nothing to worry about, Ay?" Puss laughed, A smug [But frightened] grin on his face. "We step through as one."

Perro went closer to the darkness, Puss smiled.

"Ready? 3.. 2.. AFTER YOU!" He kicked Perro into the darkness, Fully swallowing the little dog.

"Hm. Well, He's dead!" Dam nodded, she put her hand on her brothers back. "Can you quickly go check if he's alive?" Dam pushed him in, Grabbed the Map and made her brother let go, surprising him.

"DAAAAAAAAAAM-" She heard, chuckling, She tripped Kitty over, making her let go off the map.

"Dam!" Kitty hissed. "Give it back!"

"Come and get it, Gatito~!" She laughed, Jumping back into the darkness, being quickly followed by Kitty.

They fell, Kitty and Puss trying to get the Map from Dam as they fell, She simply sat down in the air and held the map tight, Bracing for their fall.

Which soon came.

They fell on some very soft grass, Kitty and Dam landing on their feet, Perro on his Face and Puss on his back, Screaming like a big baby.

"Come on Bebe, That was pathetic." Dam laughed, He brothers face glowed red in embarrasment.

"Whoa.." Puss said, looking around.

"Hah.." Perro gasped.

The four animals looked around them, Soft grass and beautiful flowers surrounded them.

Dam was so impressed, she almost let her guard down.


Kitty made for the map, Dam chuckled, Tripping her over yet again and catching her, Kitty kissed her nose, Which made Dam flustered, Kitty smirked, Grabbed the map and Dam gasped.

"Betrayel!" She gasped, Kitty chuckled.

"You deserve it, Seductora!" Kitty insulted, Dam rolled her eyes, passed kitty, her tail brushing Kitty's face and walked towards her brother, She helped him up, He was sour that his sister and his ex were getting along so well.

Too well in his opinion.

"Hm.. This place really is.." Puss said.

"Colourful.. Really colourful! I wish I had my quinceanera here!" (I apologise for not using the macaroons I'm on a chrome rn)

"The wishing star.. It's here. Somewhere." Puss nodded to himself. "Kitty, May I please~ see the map?" 

"No." Kitty answered immediately, A scowl on her face.

"Seriously?!" Puss hissed, Pointing his finger at her. "You won't even let me hold in for one minute?!"

"Nope." She pressed her finger with his, pushing it back. "Not even for a second!"

Dam in Boots.. Sister of Puss in boots.Where stories live. Discover now