This Isn't Going to be Good

415 18 4

One week later ..


"Wow so this is what a paycheck looks like?" Tracey flailed the paper check around before bringing it to his chest. "I'm kind of proud of us.. Aren't you?"

"It does feel kind of nice to earn something for once." Sky admitted as she looked down at her first check. She owed Zed a little bit of this first check but even after subtracting that she had enough for some food and essentials.

"Time to get bed sheets!"

"And memory foam pillows!" Tracey added before hooking his arm around hers and making their way down the street to where thankfully a Target was located.


Snuggling in her new comforter and pillows she finally felt a little more at ease. It was the simple things that could bring the most joy she was starting to realize.

"So what do you think of periwinkle?" Bree giggled happily as she threw a bridal magazine at her. "Uh what?" She sat up so quickly she nearly smacked her head on the top of her bunk.

"Your getting married?!"

"That's kind of what mates do.." Bree spoke slowly, as if she was reminding her of a very simple thing.

"Yes but.. it's been like a week.." Sky looked down at the magazine in her hands. "And your parents—"

"Are choosing to miss out on their only daughters wedding, Sky I want you to be my maid of honor so it would mean a lot if you could just offer a little more support." Bree snipped but Sky saw through the sass.

"I will always support you, it's why I'm here." Sky gently reminded her best friend. "I guess I never realized it would come so soon.. but then again you did find your mate so, let's plan this thing?"

"Thank you." Bree threw her arms around her, squeezing tightly as she tried to fight back the happy tears.

"Anytime.. However I'm sorry but periwinkle is awful."

"Yeah.. it doesn't look as pretty as it sounds."

"Also is it just going to be the six of us?" Bree nodded, Sky knew Bree was always the type to want a huge wedding. So this was going to be very different.

"It's going to be special. I promise."



"Of course he's getting a bachelor party!" Zed looked over at the girl in disbelief. "Bonze and Bree said no."

"Bullshit!" He exclaimed, not believing it for a second as he ran a hand through his hair. The promise of a bachelor party was the only thing that made this whole wedding shit bearable.

"Probably because he knew what you were planing.."

"It was a perfectly sensible night out." Zed cracked a smile as he saw Sky try to hold back a laugh at his obvious cover up.

They were finally stopped at a hotel. Sky, Tracey and Eliza were all occupying Tracey's bed while Zed was sprawled out on his.

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