Chapter 19: Peter Pan from Neverland

Start from the beginning

Oh god.

I quietly open my front door, making as little sounds as possible and started to tip toe upstairs. Until I was able to hear an argument coming from the kitchen. So I walked as possibly close to the kitchen door so I could hear the conversation easily.

"But I thought you wanted to work things out!" Lauren whined

"I never mentioned working things out Lauren. At all." Emmett sighed

"But I thought-" Lauren was cut off by Emmett

"You thought wrong Lauren! I broke up with you days before I left. I didn't want to be with you and I still don't!" He groaned out in frustration

"But I love you." She sniffled

"I'm sorry, but I don't love you." He sighed

Oh that gotta hurt.

"Is it because of her!" She yelled suddenly

"This conversation has nothing to do with her! It has to do with you showing up at my house, un-announced!" He yelled back

Who are they talking about?

"Lauren could you please leave?" Emmett sighed again

"Fine." She sighed irritably

I quickly got up and ran towards the nearest door and went inside. Once I heard the front door open and close I sighed and walked back out, just to see Emmett staring at me playfully glaring at me

"Uh..Hi?" I wave awkwardly

"You were eavesdropping weren't you?" He smirked

"Me? Eavesdropping on you and Lauren fighting? Pft. Please." I try to play it off

"If you weren't eavesdropping how did you know that Lauren and I were fighting?" He asked

"Umm. I just-you know assumed?" I asked

"Really now?" He teased

"Well duh?" I say rolling my eyes like he should know

"Then why were you walking out of the storage room?" He challenged

"Ummm. I was..." I turned around grabbing the first thing I saw

"I was looking for these!" I say holding the two objects up

"Skis?" He raised his eyebrow at me

"Yup. I really needed them." I say looking everywhere but him

"You needed Skis. In the middle of summer. How does that make sense?" He asked stepping closer with each word until our faces were merely centimeters away from each other

"I...I umm...I am peter pan from neverland!" I yell and quickly duck under his arms, run up the stairs and into my bedroom, and this time remembered to lock the door and slapped myself on the forehead with my palm

"Really Nicole? Peter Pan?" I ask myself.

Why did I say that?

Who the hell says that?

I sit down on the chair in front of my desk and repeatedly bang my head against the table

"Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? " I asked myself until my forehead got sore and I stopped.

But I then got started by a sudden knock on the door

"Peter Pan?" Emmett teases from the other side of the door

"Peter Pans not here right now, leave a message at the beep! BEEEEP!" I yell

"Nice try. Can you let me in?" He chuckles

"Uhhhhh" I say

"Please I just wanna talk" He tries to convince me

"Okay." I sigh in defeat and opens the door

"Looks like peter pan comes face to face with captain hook." I mutter

"What?" He laughs at me

"Nothing." I say and sit down

"Alright? So, how much of the argument did you hear?" He pressed

"Uh. You know. Not that much... Just the part where she kinda told you that she loved you and that you didn't feel the same." I said leaving out the fact that I heard Lauren accuse Emmett of not loving her because of someone else

"Oh... okay." He said with a puzzling look. Leaving us in an awkward silence for a couple minutes

"So...Uh... How was London?" I ask

"Really good actually. It was beautiful, and I'm really glad I got to see my mom." He smiled and I returned the gesture. But my heart clenched when he mentioned his mom. I haven't seen my parents in over a year.

"Was the food good?" I ask again

"Yeah. You could say so" He shrugged

"One day I'm going to take you and Kyle with me." He said smiling

"Really?" I ask

"Yeah, you'd love it... How was junior year?" it was his turn to ask me questions

"Good...I may have gotten into a fight with Sasha..."I trailed off

"You? Sasha? Whoa! Who won?" He asked excitedly

"Well I'm not exactly sure, but hey if you consider giving her a black eye, a broken nose and a sprained rib cage. You could say I won?" I shrug

"Damn Nicky! I didn't know you had it in ya!" He applauded me

We continued to talk to each other casually until it was about 7:00 and I decided that Kyle needed to get food. But when we came downstairs we come to find Kyle surrounded by dozens of pizza boxes.

"Did you order all of these?" I ask him

"Um. Yeah? The guy didn't listen to me! I said I wanted 14 slices of pizza! And He gave me all these boxes!" He yelled in frustration "This! Is not 14 slices!" He gestured to all the boxes

Emmett and I laughed in response.

Oh Kyle.


Quick Authors Note:

Yay! Finally a happy chapter! What'd you guys think about it? Let me know by commenting and voting! The more you vote the faster I'm going to update! Silent readers kill me! You don't even have to comment about the book even! Tell me about your day! Lol. No you don't have to do that. Just please comment and vote! It will make me very very very very very happy! Oh! And what do you guys think of my new cover photo? I made it myself and am very proud of it! Okay sorry this was kinda long.

Again Comment & Vote please

~Codi :)

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