introduction + school tour

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Avery rolled her eyes. "why do I have to switch schools? I don't see any issues with my current school." Her mum sighed fed up with explaining, "I've told you this multiple times Avery, you and I know this'll be better for your education and will benefit you greatly."

That was yesterday. I ended up leaving my school behind for this fancy, posh AND expensive school which produced snobby idiots with massive egos. My eyes trailed down the cobblestone path, and I laid my eyes on the massive ethereal looking castle. It almost glittered in my eyes, like what school glitters?? Do they hire people to throw around glitter the school to make it look more appealing for students? Whatever, like I said this place would be 'full of snobby rich idiots'.

As I was staring at the unique structure of the school, my eyes lingered towards a girl standing in front of the staircase leading up to the doors. Her hair was the colour of wheat, which was almost golden, and her eyes were the colour of wood, steely but welcoming, judgmental but kind.

She practically glided down the stairs like a goddess. "Hi I'm steph or stephanie, whichever you feel comfortable with referring to me as!" She continued as my mouth gaped at her dazzling looks, she looked even more perfect than I expected, I searched her face for even the slightest indication she wasn't a robot or superhuman.

Stephanie grinned at my staring. I broke the staring contest and remarked, "I'm staring, aren't I?" She just smiled and spoke. "I'm your tour guide, welcome to SFL (school for leaders), aka school for leaders of the future!"

I raised my eyebrow. "Uh wait hold on. I thought this was just a posh school, not an actual school for leaders-" I waved my arms around the perfectly manicured grass and then it dawned on me. There would be princes, princesses, future kings and queens, future prime ministers attending this school.

She patiently waited for me to organise my thoughts before proceeding to ask "would you like to start the tour, or will we be waiting for you to ask every little detail?" I blushed in surprise and nodded to start the tour. I followed her up the stairs while holding onto the rail just in case.

She pushed the large doorway open and flashed a toothy grin "welcome to SFL, now let's continue on with our tour." She beckoned her hand for me to follow her. "Here are the lockers!" I stared at the long lockers, I thought these type of lockers were only in those cheesy american high school movies-

I dawdled behind her as she showed me the classrooms. "There are different levels to this school, and right now we're on the main ground (MG), and beneath us is the ground level (GL) and of course there are many levels above us which I won't be bothered to explain". I snickered and she just grinned at me.

She handed me a piece of paper with my classes for the day, "you have to collect your day schedule everyday from the office". I nodded with enthusiasm for her to go on with the tour. "Where will we be staying?" I questioned. She grinned yet again and soldiered all the way to the elevator which led to the GL (ground floor) and we waited for the elevator to come back down. The bell rang and i watched as students spilled out of classrooms.


This is my first time using wattpad + writing a series, I hope you enjoy ,, suggestions are appreciated <3, 

it's not letting me add a banner so sorry ig lol

I hope this is long enough! ^^

575 words

school for future leaders (SFL)Where stories live. Discover now