I watch as he runs into the the closet and squeals out a giggle before coming out of the closet dressed in a white kimono with blue flowers that seemed to be falling down as if a tree was wilting.

I looked at my mate reveling in his raw beauty.

He walked over to the mirror in our room and combs his hair out before putting it into a high pony tail using various Japanese hairpins.

I adjusted my tie as I watched him place his wooden slippers on his feet and walk sexily towards me.

"Vladi... your tie is all messed up." Shiro smiled as he fixed my crooked tie.

"Thank you Shiro, my beauty." I say as I pick him up.

He squeals and giggles the words 'Vladi!!' and 'Let me down!!' but I don't listen. Instead I smack his ass and grab my suit jacket as I walk out of the house carrying him like a delicate sack of potatoes.

"Vladi... please put me down..." Shiro says as he rubs circles on my upper hip bone as his foot played with my crotch.

I groaned in pleasure before nodding towards Jacob to take us to the ballroom in the city. (New Orleans)

I placed Shiro in the back seat then sat down myself.

I nodded towards Jacob to start the drive while I put up the black soundproof window that blocks the driver from the side of the car we were on.

"Shiro, you shouldn't have done that." I say as I pull him into my lap.

I smash my lips onto his, creating an intricate dance that only we knew.

He moaned as he placed his hand on my chest and situated his butt on my hard cock.

"Oh my love, I am tempted to take you right now, if we were alone I know I wouldn't hesitate..."

"We have to wait until the day of mating..." He says with a cheeky smirk.

I grin at him.

"Who said that we have to wait...?"

"Well like you told me, we should wait because it will be better than if we just did it today."

"Ok ok... I know... your right. But you can't blame a guy for trying." I smile.

"That's true... can I please have your lips on mine again??"

"Yes you can my beauty." I say before he's kissing me.

I smirk and start the rough make out session.


*Knock knock*

I look away from my bruised lipped mate and roll the window down.

"Yes??" I ask.

"Young master we are here." Jacob says as he parks the car.

"Mmnm..." Shiro whined.

I pick him up and carry him out of the car.

I set him on the ground and pull him to me by his hips.

"When we get home, I will take care of you." I say as I grind on him.

"Ah!!" He moaned as I moved away.

"Lets go... I can't wait to get home." He says in a seductive voice.

"Oh babe, you're not the only one." I say as I walk with him by my side into the ballroom.

As we walk in our names are announced and we stand at the top of the stairs while the trumpets play.

"Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Vladimir Vonheimer and his mate/consort Shiro Kajiha."

Everyone looks over at us in an attempt to see the submissive behind me.

"Stay behind me." I tell Shiro.

"Ok Vladi..." My shy mate replied as he held my hand.

I walk to the table set only for noble vampires and pull out Shiro's seat.

"Thank you Vladi." Shiro says as he takes a seat while I continue standing.

Afterwards all the other men pull out the chairs for the women, not taking a seat for themselves.

"I'd like to present a toast to those of you who were able to make it to this event. To you all."

After this is said everyone takes a sip of their drinks.

"I'd like to propose a toast to all of our seated mates!"

Another sip...

"And I would like to propose a toast to our king and queen!!"

Applause sounds throughout the room before everyone takes a seat.

"I would like to say a fond thank you to those who helped decorate, plan and prepare this ball." I say before taking my own seat.

Soon, after everyone is seated and served, many people walk up to our table to say hello to either me or Shiro.

"Why hello, your such a pretty young thing." My grandmother says with a smile.

"Hello madame." Shiro smiles back.

"Oh my what a lovely voice." She says.

"Shiro this is my grandmother Annabeth May." I say introducing her.

"Can I ask when you two will give me grandchildren??" She asks us both.

Shiro blushes brightly and I answer for us both.

"Soon grandmother. We are waiting until the day of mating." I say.

Every eye turns towards us, of course, they are vampires as well.

"The day of mating...?"

"That will seal their bond forever."

"How romantic..."

"Jessy, why didn't we do that??"

"Yeah, Markus why didn't we wait??"

Before everything got out of hand the music came on signifying that the dance floor is ready.

I stand from my seat and hold out a hand to my beloved mate, as I say; "May I have this dance??"

"Yes you can." Shiro smiles at me.

Suddenly I feel a deep sense of dread like something wrong will happen.

Apparently Shiro feels it to because his blue eyes become clouded.

"Somethings wrong..." He whispers to me.

"I believe so as well..." I say as I sit him back down.

"Don't leave this seat until I say so, okay my love?" I ask Shiro as I myself sit down.

"Okay Vladi..." He smiles up at me.

A while later the song "spring" from the four seasons come on.

"Come on Vladi lets dance." Shiro says as he stands.

"But Shiro..." I begin.

"I promised you a dance." He says. "And I like to fulfill my promises."

I stand and let Shiro pull me out onto the dance floor.

Soon we are dancing along with every other pair of mates, and I find it in me to squash the last remaining bits of uncertainty.

That is until we all switch partners and I am separated from my mate.

I only catch a glimpse of his dress before I hear a blood curdling scream coming from none other than Shiro.


I push away the woman I was dancing with and ran across the dance floor dodging the various dancing bodies until I had circled them all, still unable to find my love.

My Vampire Prince ManXManWhere stories live. Discover now