Chapter 1: Two Captains Meet In A Bar

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Captain James Kirk, Personal Log - The Enterprise is nearing completion, and while it's been an enjoyable stay on Starbase Yorktown, I'm ready to get back into space. I'd be even more ready if I wasn't distracted by the fact that the USS Alessia is docking in just a few days and I've received a message from Captain Tara Reese requesting a meeting at a bar near Yorktown Central Plaza when they arrive. It's been five years since I saw Tara, at the Academy. Right after I was given the commendation and relieved Pike of command of the Enterprise. I remember looking up in the audience and seeing her there. She—she looked so proud of me. Other than Bones, she was one of my closest friends at the Academy. I always wondered why she seemed immune to my charms. I tried to find her afterwards, but so many people kept stopping me, by the time I made it to where she'd been, she had disappeared. I never got to say goodbye. I'm not sure why I'm so nervous to see her again. It'll be old friends, getting together for drinks. Why am I so nervous?


Captain Tara Reese, Personal Log - The ship is hours away from Yorktown. As soon as I finish up all the proper protocols, I've arranged to meet with Jim Kirk at the Plaza Pub. It's been ages since I've seen him. Of course, I've heard all about his exploits. I always knew he had it in him to be a true hero, not just a pretty face in a captain's chair. But, even I never expected quite so much as what I've read. I wonder if he's still the flirtatious charmer he always was? He always pretended to be so hurt that I wouldn't go on a date with him. Sure, we had drinks plenty of times, but always with other friends—usually Bones. I wonder what it'll be like, seeing him again? I'm not sure why I sent him the message in the first place. Perhaps I'm just a little sentimental and missing home. Maybe it's my heart trying to play tricks with me again. The Alessia will be docked for three weeks as we have some system overhauls, restock, and have a little downtime. Last reports said the Enterprise would be leaving anytime within the next few weeks. What are the chances of seeing him again after tonight?


Jim Kirk sat at the bar, sipping on his first beer. He had considered waiting to start drinking, but decided it might help ease his nerves. He was in the middle of another deep breath, attempting to keep his nerves calm, when a voice called out from behind him.

"Hello, Jim."

He turned and smiled as he laid eyes on the woman he'd been waiting for. Tara Reese. She was even more beautiful than he remembered her. More beautiful than her current official Starfleet record photo did credit for. Not that he'd looked, or anything. "Well, hello beautiful."

Tara rolled her eyes at him, just like she always used to do, but he noticed a pink tint to her cheeks this time. He didn't remember having that affect on her in the past. "I do have a name, Jim. Do you remember it?" She asked sarcastically as she came closer.

He quickly slid off his barstool and met her, pulling her into a hug. "Of course I do, Tara. It's so good to see you."

She hugged him back. It felt real, genuine, and it wasn't till that moment that either of them realized how much they had really missed each other—and the hugs. "Good to see you, too, Jim."

They separated and he slid back onto his barstool, her taking the one next to him. She quickly ordered a beer from the bartender, then turned to Jim. "So, how are things, Jim? How's the new Enterprise coming along?"

"Things are good. The ship should be ready to go any time now. Scotty's a bit of a perfectionist, so we're a little fuzzy on the actual timeline. It depends on how satisfied he is with the work being done."

She chuckled. "Barrett—my engineer—is the same way. She's never satisfied with the work if it isn't her own."

"Yeah, so tell me—how are things on the Alessia? You've captained her, what, two years now?"

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