Chapter I: A New Start

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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! went the alarm beside Titus' head. He'd awake with a groggy feeling, awaking in a small room. Where am I? Were the first thoughts of the young boy's mind, but it dissipated quickly. He knew where he was, on a construction site within Musutafu, Japan. Titus would begin his daily routine, shower, get dressed, and more. Until he was out the door he'd look at what little his room had. Even if the company paid for it, he did little heed on filling it up with furniture. He didn't have anyone coming over after all.

Exiting his home and locking the door, Titus would begin walking on the sidewalk. He'd go left of the house, heading north and in the direction of UA. Only after a mile or two is when he would turn, heading towards a construction site that his fellow coworkers were at. Well not yet, it was 5:45, Titus was 2 hours and 15 minutes early. He always liked being early as he sipped from his mug. Sweet mint tea, a delicacy to Titus as he kept his other hand in his pocket. He kept to himself if anyone was on the street, using his hat to keep his face from others.

When he reached the door and pulled the keys that hung from his pocketed hand and flipped to the key he needed. With a quick insert and flip, the door was unlocked. He'd enter and quickly go to the area the guys had the coffee machine, readying it up with care and love as a family would. His construction team has been the same for the past three years, making him extremely grateful. They grafted him in with how amazing they believed his quirk to be, and that almost made him more hesitant to stay around. Yet over time they've earned his trust and respect, so he couldn't be more willing to do things for them than most would.

What made it all better was the smug smile he felt behind him with eyes laced like a brother falling upon his shoulders. "Well if it isn't our resident one-ton. How you doing kid?" Titus would only smile as he finished prepping the coffee machine, keeping quiet as he put a thumbs up to his side. He'd suddenly feel a sharp clasp onto his right shoulder, looking up to see tall Kyou Hikaru. The strongest of the group was up, and 5th youngest of the team. Titus would only smile, Kyou knocking his hat off to stop Titus from hiding all the time. "You need to stop hiding under that damned hat of yours. I'm glad you like it but your face is better seen than hidden. Don't need you getting arrested."

Titus would feel extremely embarrassed, his right hand gripping the hat loosing hanging from chords behind his head. He was just about to put it on until that statement was made, nodding sheepishly as Kyou brought his head closer. "Now don't say I didn't give you heads up, but a big event is happening middle of the day for you!" The very statement Kyou whispered made Titus mentally question what was going on. What surprise? Good, bad? I-I need to ask! Yet as swift as Kyou always was he'd be off and around the corner.

He just left Titus with his thoughts, his gaze falling down to the ground. Titus would then swiftly shrug it off, trying to stay positive. Even waking up this morning was sluggish, took him a whole hour and thirty minutes; he knew he could be faster, he had to be. With how much support he was getting, he couldn't not. Yet that same fear, the kind that choked, it surrounded him. On his few inches of goodness, he would stand his ground and enjoy his days. He's lost a lot, but has gained some ground back. His hands would begin to shake as he made his way out of the building.

With how the company got the team a hotel right next to the construction zone, and it was so close to home. It was so nice, even with how Titus wished not to go far or even outside his home at times. Yet as he went forward to the construction sight, all he could think was how fortunate he was for the team he worked with. The smile he gave was always of pure joy, even with how little they saw it.


11:57:23 AM. Why did he always feel so nervous! Titus was anxious, almost worried at what the big event was. He didn't want to be worried too much, but he couldn't stop himself. As he worked his day away, soon he'd hear a metal tap behind him. It was loud, meaning it was to notify him. He would turn around to face Shun Yosuke. His favorite quiet time buddy, whom was smiling brightly, motioned for Titus to follow him. Titus would do as asked, being lead to the boss's office on the construction site. When the door was opened for him Titus would gulp, feeling the anxiety make his hair stand up on end all over. If he could have goosebumps in such a hot and warm day, he would.

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