Old Tricks

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"...should face judgement." And then, everything happened before Choi Hye-Jeong could even blink. As Lee-Sa ra sunk the pencil into her throat and the blood spilled out her mouth, she could only think of one thing: Yeon-jin, the girl who had finally started to lose everything, still seemed to be able to escape every situation. Sa-ra wasn't even mad at her in the beginning because she thought Yeon-jin had been the one to send the video of her and Myeong-O to the group chat. Choi-Hye Jeong cursed to herself or tried to. Why did she have to go and make that comment? She should have just blamed Yeon-jin and walked away. Now, she didn't have a voice and with all the hospital bills, had to move in this crappy one-bedroom apartment. 

(Okay, it wasn't that bad. It did have hardwood floors. But still, one bedroom was beneath her). 

But then, something that almost resembled luck slowly walked into Choi Hye-Jeong's life. Dong-eun, the girl she bullied all those years ago, presented her with an opportunity.  It was a way to get back at someone else, someone who had hurt her even more than Yeon-jin....

Jeon Jae-Jun. She had wanted him for years. Of course, Yeon-jin got to him first. Hye-Jeong thought she finally had won when Jae-Jun "proposed." Then, when everything happened, and she was in the hospital with no voice, the evil bastard had the audacity to tell her to come get her stuff when she got out. After the doctors got her back into bed, Hye-Jeong sat there with her throat burning, the sounds of a busy hospital in the background. Now that she thought about it, she should have just married that other guy- wait what was his name again? It didn't matter anyway, not when the last person she expected to see walked into her hospital room. 

At first, all Hye-Jeong could do was throw whatever was closets to her. If she had been able to, she would have yelled at the visitor to get out. But then, when Moon Dong-un spoke, she presented her with an opportunity to get her own version of revenge. Days later, she was standing in Jae-Jun's bathroom, contemplating what she was about to do. He made the decision much easier for her, when he came in and basically treated her like a whore. After that, she used her engagement ring from her ex to buy a cheapish apartment in a different neighborhood.  

6 months later, there was no excitement in Hye-Jeong's life. Every morning, she woke up, fed her dog Bimbi(who was way cuter than Louis), and went to work as a cashier at a coffee shop called Seoltang Leosi. Along with the engagement ring money, Hye-Jeong was doing okay, considering what happened to her "friends".  Each day dragged on like the one before it. At some point, Hye-Jeong felt as if she was just going through the motions. That is, until yesterday....

Hye-Jeong had just got off from work and had just walked in her apartment after walking Bimbi. Propping her feet up on her couch and sipping a glass of wine, she had just started to fall asleep when there was a knock at the door. 

"Who the hell is knocking on my door right now?" she thought to herself. It was already dark outside, and all Hye-Jeong wanted to do was sleep. Putting on her white bunny slippers, she barely looked through the peep hole and opened the door. The wine glass she was holding immediately slipped from her hand as she slowly backed away from the door. That smile, the one that had haunted her dreams for months, was right in front of her.

"Hello Choi Hye-Jeong, nice to see you again. May I come in?" Dong- eun asked.

Hye-Jeong slowly nodded her head yes, so Moon Dong- eun took off her shoes before entering the apartment. Once inside, she looked around with that smile on her face, then walked over to the couch to pet Bimbi. "So, how have you been Hye-Jeong?" Dong-eun asked. 

Choi Hye-Jeong made a noise with her mouth she hoped translated as: "Fine, what do you want?"

Dong-eun smirked. "I have something else to ask you to do for me. Would you like to hear what it is?"

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