Chapter 1: the unfamiliar familiar wind

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 Y/N's POV:


For the first time in a while, I felt the feeling of excitement run through my body and mind.. I was close. I could already see the gates of monstad as I approached a bridge with a young boy feeding some pigeons. I tried to shuffle to the side to not disturb them but it seemed that as soon as I walked by, the pigeons flew away.

"Hey! You scared my pigeons away!" said the young boy with an annoying stufatly face (danganronpa reference, it means stupid, fat and ugly)

"Sorry about that timmy! Haha-"I said with a kind of fake apologetic face.

"Whatever i dont forgive you- wait, how do you know my name?! I'm gonna tell daddy!! COME BACK HERE!!" Timmy said, screaming at her from a distance, throwing a childish fit as he threw himself to the floor, throwing a loud tantrum.

"You wouldn't believe me if i told you anyways!!~" i said screaming from the distance as i approached the gates of monstad, the guards stopping me in my way

"Who are you? I've never seen you around these parts before." the guards said with a serious face as they stopped me in my tracks.

'Okay okay, this is the time to use the line I've been on my way here.. What's that girl's name again? Oh right!'

"I mean no harm sirs, you are correct, i am not from here, i travelled here from Sumeru to research the uhh wine here, i was hoping to meet up with outrider amber for a tour" i say trying my best to sound professional and ethical.

"Oh is that right?" their guards face then turns a 180 as they now have a friendly and calm expression on their faces "well then your in good hands with amber showing you around! Welcome to monstad- er what's your name?" they ask

"y/n, my name is y/n" I say trying to put on a friendly smile.

"Right then. Welcome to monstad y/n." they say as they remove their swords from the entrance, allowing me to pass through.

As I walk through the gates, I see the grey stone roads and the many shops and houses with dusty-red tilted roofs, some moss growing on certain houses, giving them a very homey cottage look which brang a smile to my face. Seeing these streets, these buildings in person.. It's all so different and yet they look so familiar, just like how I remember them in my past life except.. I used to see them on a blue light screen. The water from the fountain ran with life as I approached it, finding dozens of small coins thrown into it, deciding to throw my own for good luck. Flipping one golden coin of mora up into the air as I watched it fall into the fountain, the water lightly splashing as my gaze onto it as I watched it slowly sink into water with the rest of the coins when I suddenly felt a tap onto my shoulder. When I turned around to see a young girl around the age of eighteen with long brown hair and a red outfit.

'Oh shit, I wasn't expecting Amber to actually show up'. I think as I feel a drop of sweat run down my neck.

"Greetings! I'm outrider Amber from the Knights of Favonius reporting!I heard you were a traveller from Sumeru here in Monstad and wanted a tour from me, hm?" Amber says with a friendly smile as she extends her hand to shake mine.

"Ah yes t-that's me haha-" I say, trying to hide my nervousness with a laugh.

"I didn't expect a busy knight such as yourself to greet me so fast," I said, chuckling once again.

"Ah well normally you'd be right, but once miss Lisa heard about a scholar from Sumeru arriving, she told me to come greet you at once, and she even took some of my workload for me which is pretty out of character for her" Amber said with enthusiasm

'Shit.. fuck you Lisa.. this wasnt apart of the plan..' I thought as I just nervously smiled.

"H-how did you know i was a scholar?"

"Well you were coming to study the wine industry from monstad, and since you are from Sumeru, we just assumed- ah sorry was i wrong? Please forgive my jumping to conclusions!" Amber said as she slightly bowed her head down in apology.

"No worries! Y-you were right though, i am a scholar from the Akademiya" i say trying to get her to stop bowing as it was drawing too much attention

"Oh really? Haha-" we both nervously laugh it off.

"Well then would you like a small tour of monstad? As an outrider, it's my Job so no worries!" she says with a confident expression as i think about it for a couple seconds.

'Well it would be weird to go to the tavern at this time of hour.. I'm sure he wouldn't be there until dark anyways.. Might as well kill time until then' i think as i accept her offer for a tour.
















a few hours later 









We walked, talked and I found myself enjoying this small little tour, even if it was just to kill time. Even though I have seen all of these places before, it was somehow different.. Maybe the wind.. It was also so familiar but unfamiliar somehow. I think of this as we get back to the fountain and I find myself drifting off into my own imagination.

"Hey y/n, your eyes are really pretty you know! I'm not sure why but they remind me of the cavalry captains" Amber says as i bring myself back to reality

"Oh uhm.. Is that right? Haha "I nervously laugh as I see the sun starting to set.

"Oh well look at that! It's getting late, I should probably check in at the inn I was supposed to check in at- ahaha, it was nice meeting you Amber bye!!" I say changing the topic as I hurriedly run away to the Inn. checking into my room as I look into the mirror.

'If I do end up running into Kaeya in the tavern.. I want to at least look presentable.' I think to myself as I get out a small bag of essentials and change into casual dress. I apply some very subtle lip tint and a little mascara, I don't want to look desperate after all. I brush my hair and pull it into a half up half down look as I feel satisfied with myself and I nervously leave the room.

"Well, this is it.."

1091 words

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