Finding You

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I saw you

You were wearing shoulder pads of gold.

The way you wore your crown;

ruled over every city, every town.

The kindest Prince, that never grew old.

Where are you?

I found you

you were the dream actor, all girls loved.

Your poster hung in my locker,

A thousand screaming fans, for stalkers.

An adorable look, but still rugged.

What are you?

My childhood fantasy prince, in every chapter?

My celebrity crush, in my favorite chick-flick?

Will we have a happily ever after?

Surely not; why would you waste your time on this?

How could you?

I finally found you, homecoming night.

I gave you all I had,

only to find you with Miss Queen, in my sight.

I guess that's what princes grow into.

Kings of dark nights.

I hated you.

I saw you,

for the first time, once I had grown.

If only in my youth years, I could have known..

You didn't need a football helmet, paparazzi, or a crown;

but only brown eyes and a kind heart.

For neither I consisted of a ball gown.

I passed you a million times, without knowing your soul's wealth.

But I knew it was you, because when I looked in your eyes,

I found the other half of myself.

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