Umeed rolled her eyes. Why was he surrounded by such cowards? No wonder he needed someone like her in his life.

"Ma'am please don't both him right now, he's really busy." Mehak knew stopping his Boss's fiance from entering the meeting room could put her in a difficult position. But it was either this or invite Farjad Khan Bahadur's wrath. Mehak left her seat and held Umeed's arm, stopping her from making a scene in the meeting room.

"Did that Changez Khan ordered you to stop me from meeting him?" Umeed's big black eyes widened, and she squealed in anger.

She withdrew her hand and stomped towards the meeting room, but the moment she opened it, her head bumped into a hard yet familiar body. He needs to take a break from working out. She made a mental note because the bump was not romantic, it was painful given his toned body that only had muscles no fat.

"Oww, dekh kay nhi khol sktay darwaza." She complained, rubbing her head and squinting to see her man's reaction.

The stern face that she had forgotten a long time ago was back. She flinched, seeing the coldness in his eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, but he pointed his finger and looked at her as if she was a stranger.

"Not now."

"I won't leave until and unless you talk to me." She stomped her right foot in her usual manner, the one that registered that she'd be the only one having the last word here.

"Fine, stay here then. But don't interrupt my meetings Umeed, this one's really important." In normal circumstances, she would've asked him if these meetings were more important than her, and he would've lovingly told her NO and canceled them immediately to prove it. But things were different this time.

Seeing his cold expressions, and the way he crossed his arms as if building a wall between them shook Umeed. Did she take it too far this time? Was he never going to forgive her for her actions?

The idea of not having Farjad by her side, not comforting her, not loving her sent a bitter taste in Umeed's mouth. This wasn't the right time, she decided to surrender drooping her eyes low, and stepped back, while Farjad closed the meeting room door.


After spending an entire day in the meeting room, field visits, and whatnot, Farjad Khan Bahadur finally found the time to breathe to reflect on what happened today. He wasn't used to having a foul mood since Umeed entered his life but last week, she really hit some nerves. They made a pact to stay transparent with each other, but Umeed hiding about Mimi and Asad Ullah Khan's brewing closeness annoyed him to no end. He never liked that guy at the first place. He couldn't believe his audacity to approach his sister after failed attempts at marrying his Umeed. It wasn't hard to see that Mimi liked Asad Ullad, and he couldn't directly ask his sister to put an end to her feelings when he failed at it pathetically. But Umeed advocating their relationship and not getting his point enraged.

Umeed has pathetically tried to defend Asad Ullah, forcing him to believe that he has changed and Mimi loved him a lot. But these girls didn't know the guy the way he did and there was no wau he was going to let him hurt his baby sister. He was more angry at Umeed for supporting them despite what had happened with her. Infuriated at her behavior, he shut the phone on her face, which was a forbidden rule in their relationship since day one. He did feel bad about it but when Umeed didn't call back to say sorry, he decided to extend their hostile period and check the fragility of their one-year relationship. In all honesty, when he heard Umeed's voice while having a meeting with the Shah Group, his insides jubilated. But the ego took over and he realized that she didn't deserve his forgiveness yet.

Let her grovel a bit more. I won't be saying sorry this time. He told himself and made his way to his office to get relief and kill the rest of the night by drowning himself in work. Yes, this was also a new thing in Farjad Khan Bahadur's life. He couldn't sleep at night when he and Umeed ended up fighting. Though it was rare because usually these fights didn't last long but tonight was going to be an exception.

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