Chapter 29

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One More Chapter left guys... omg I don't know what to do.
We left the cabin and are back in the city, Meek is in Philly dropping off Papi. * knocks at door * I open it up. "Hey Baby I missed you." I said as I opened the door. "You missed me Jacai." I kissed his cheek 3 times. "How was the trip?" I looked up at Safaree.
"Oh you talking to me now?" He laughed "it was nice."
"Oh that's good. How's your mom?"
"She's good, she constantly asked about you. "
"Aw I need to go see her. I miss her."
"Trust me she misses you too."
"Aw she gave Rih a hard time." He nodded his head. "Awww."
"Why you ain't tell Caiah we had a baby? "
" It never came up in conversations." I said.
"Oh well I'll talk to you later. See you in a few days Jacai." He kissed his forehead and left.
(A few weeks later )
Meek and I are in New York to see my family.
"Hey Mommy." I said as she opened the door.
"Onika." She hugged me. "Hi Robert." She gave him a hug as well.
"Hi Mama Carol." Jelani and Caiah came downstairs they greeted each other.
"Caiah, Lani! " I hugged them. "I missed you guys."
"We missed you too." They said. Caiah took the babies out the car seats.
"Hi niece, hi Jacai,we almost have the same name.. What's her name?"
"Oh, what's up Amirah I'm uncle Caiah." After we left my mom's house I went past Safaree's mom's house. I knocked at the door.
"Onika what are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see you." I hugged her I saw a tear fall from her eye.
"It's been so long." She said as she invited me and the babies in, Meek sat in the car.
"How have you been?"
"Its fine and you?"
"I'm great, adjusting to being a mother." She smiled and reached for the babies.
"Jacai... and her name is?"
"That's a beautiful name."
"Thanks." I sat and talked with her for about a half hour.
"Well I'm gonna now."
"Okay Onika, thanks for coming to see me."
"No problem, I'll see you the next time I come back to NY."
"Okay, love you, love you little ones." She gave me a hug and kissed the babies hands.
(A year later)
I'm at Fah's house dropping off Papi and Fah starts yelling at me telling me I don't do enough for my child and shit. Telling me I need to buy her a new house she needs money to pay for his clothes, which doesn't make sense since I'm on child support. I pay her almost a Million a year in child support. What the hell is she doing with it?
"Meek fuck you! You going around showing off Nicki!-"
"This is about Nicki?! I thought it was about my child Fah. I'm leaving."
"No the hell you aren't. You'll yet what's coming to you. Stupid nigga. You and ya baby mom will get what's coming."
"What the hell do you mean? Get what? What did Nicki do? Your not gonna do shit to Nicki."
"I won't do shit to Nicki... she's okay with me. Papi likes her but what I'm gonna do is gonna hurt you and her." She laughed.
"You better not do shit to hurt Nicki you can do whatever to me."
"Why the hell do you love that bitch? I'm the one that's here for you? I'm your ride or die chick." She said as she tried to kiss me.
"I'm leaving I ain't got time for this. I'ma say some shit I'm going to regret. Bye Papi daddy loves you!" I yell and leave that crazy bitchs' house.
"Fuck you Robert, you'll regret this! " She yelled as I walked to my car.
Meek left my house I called my friend Ricky.
"Yo Ricky I need another favor." I said when he answered the phone. A few days ago I called Ricky to ask him to threaten Meek for me but Meek didn't answer. Ricky is some guy that lives in L.A and will do anything as long as he gets his money.
I'm sitting in the living room in me and Rih's place.
"Hey Safaree." Melissa, Rih's bestfriend, said as she walked in.
"Hey Mel, who gave you a key?"
"Rih did."
"Oh well, knock first I could have been naked." I laughed.
"Boy please, you little stuff wouldn't even have been visible." She laughed, I laughed at her little joke as well.
"Don't play I know Rih has told you stories, I'm far from little."
"Whatever, where's Rih?"
"She'll be home in a lil."
"Okayn, so how yall relationship going?"
"Great she's perfect."
"Do you plan on marrying her? " I looked at her confused.
"Uh yea of course I do."
"When? You know she ain't gonna wait forever especially when you already have a child."
"I'm not gonna make her wait forever. I just didn't know she was ready to get married."
"I mean she's not ready to get married yet but it would be nice if you'd mention marrying or having kids with her."
"Your right, I kinda thought it would be too soon."
"Its been almost 2 years... do yall ever talk about marriage?"
"No but-" just then Rih walked in.
Meek is still in Philly handling some business he should be backhere by tonight. I spent all day chasing the babies, they just learned to walk. They're finally sleep, I'm so tired. It's almost 11 o'clock and Meek still isn't here, I lay Jacai on my left and Amirah on my right and fall asleep.
(middle of the night.)
*gun shots* I sit up to see my side bleeding and Jacai is bleeding as well. "Oh my fucking god." I start crying, I pick up the ohone and call the police.
"Hello...I was just shot along with my son he is bleeding out of control...okay please hurry."
Less than 10 minutes later the cops and ambulance pull up to the house. I hold my wound and Amirah and get into the ambulance, they rush Jacai to the hospital.
Sorry for any errors. Hope yall like it

Lost and Found Love: The Nicki Minaj StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora