You stepped in, the bus driver barely acknowledging you. Strange, that the bus driver would undoubtedly be the person who you had the most interaction with that day.

You were scared what people thought about you, what they might say, in a feeble attempt to shut out these worries, you grabbed your headphones, cheap and wired as you listened to music.

You could hear a group of girls laughing in the middle of the bus, as you were stationed alone right at the back left, with your head leaning against the window.

Cars rushed past as you sighed to yourself, the only thing that really made a difference from day to day was what classes you had.

You pretty much had to be smart, it was really the only thing you had going for you, but everyone else knew that you were horrible in social situations, so you always did group projects alone, because they always gave you the choice.

The bus stopped to pick up a few more students, 3 to be exact, one sat right at the front and began talking to his friends, the second spotted her friends and began to gossip near the middle.

The last one was different, you hadn't seen her before, or at least you didn't remember, she wore a nervous expression, like everyone around her was judging her, which you supposed, you were doing to her right now.

She wore a beige shirt and had her hair down, it looked like she was about to be sick from nerves, you remembered feeling like that on your first, second, third and every other consecutive day of school.

Then she did the worst possible thing imaginable, she noticed you. It would be bad for you, your need to make people liked you was a weird caveat of not talking to anyone. You were broken in that way. It was bad for her, you were the worst possible first person to talk too.

"Uh...excuse me" The girl spoke, her voice sounded incredible, it made you go a faint red already. "Is this"

You tried to say something, but only quietly stuttered, another downside of going so long without talking. So you straightened your back and ushered a hand to the seat next to you.

The girl sat down next to you, you still had a few minutes until the bus arrived to school, which means you could get one more song in before the silent yet deafening monotonous repetition of daily life.

"I love that song..." You heard the girl say next to you.

For some reason, you didn't realise she was talking to you, you had already had way more social interaction today than you had intended. Besides, you hadn't exactly made the best first impression.

"I that song..." The girl said, louder this time, and out of your peripheral vision you could see her directing it at you.

It was probably because of your cheap headphones that she could hear literally everything you were listening too, you turned the volume down and took out one of your earphones.

"Uh...thank you" You quietly thanked, nodding awkwardly, as the girl smiled quickly.

"I'm here..." The girl said, anxiously bouncing her leg, worried you might be annoyed with her.

"That's...nice..." You said, truly unsure of how to respond, to be honest, this was the only conversation you'd had in months that you wouldn't mind continuing for at least another sentence.

"I'm sorry if I'm like...annoying you...unless maybe I'm misreading or something because I really struggle to talk to people..." The girl continued.

A normal person would of stopped her halfway through the rambling in order to console her, but not you, that would be too simple. Instead, you didn't want to dislike you for interrupting her, so you let her continue.

Wasteland Baby (Jenna Ortega Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now