Chapter 3

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(Mention of suicide in this chapter) 

We were sitting at the table looking at Sam "Your stepmother used a spell that I think we can replicate to send you back." Sam spoke and I sighed in relief "What about the Demon. Will she go back aswell" Cas nodded turning a book to us "Acording to the spells information, yes. You both came through the portal at the same time so while both of you are alive you will travel back together"

I bit my lip but Dean nodded "Then we kill the son of a bitch" I shot up "We don't kill Dean. I'll just stay here so she can't go back and hurt anyone" Dean frowned "But she's already killed so many people in this world. You may not kill but I do and I won't let her kill another person" I looked at Sam "Isn't there a way to do this without killing anyone" Sam looked at Dean before shaking his head "Sorry Snow" I stood up and nodded "The pie should be taken out soon please don't let it burn"

I walked to my room slamming the door behind me and layed on my bed. I layed their thinking of my home and my friends and family. About the type of women my stepmother was before she was possessed. My father before he died protecting his kingdom. My kingdom and my many followers that probably needed me. 

I thought of my cottage back on Carrie's farm and everyone there that was probably dead because of me. How many people have died because I was alive and how many people are going to die if I continue living. An idea popped into my head and I looked at my door. If I moved quietly and quickly I could put my plan into action and save everyone.

Opening my door after a few hours I could smell my apple pie and I smiled. They remembered to take it out. I snuck up the stairs and out the door. The sun hit my cheeks and I smiled looking up. I missed being in the sun. Looking down the road I began walking not knowing where I was headed but I knew I would come across what I needed eventually. I would break the connection between my step mother and I so no one else would die.

I cut a slice of pie topping it with ice cream before heading to the room Snow should be in. I mocked on the door "Princess I have your slice of pie" I called but there was no answer.

I mocked again louder incase she didn't hear me the first time but once again there was no answer. I opened the door slowly carefully looking inside but she wasn't in there. "Sammy have you seen the Princess?" I called down the hall.

He came down with Cas and they shook their heads. "Son of a bitch" I cursed before putting the pie down in her room and running into the library "Look everywhere make sure she hasn't ran" they nodded and we scoured the entirety of the bunker.

We met in the library "She's not here" Cas said and I punched the table. We ran over to baby and drove down the road "Why would she run?" Cas asked. "Because she doesn't want us killing her stepmother." I answered.

As we crossed the bridge I looked to the side before slamming on my brakes. Sam and Cas looked at me as I got out baby and ran to the edge "Princess what are you doing" I asked grabbing her arm. She spun looking at me and her eyes were blood shot "I'm fixing this. If I die she won't hurt anyone anymore. If I'm not around to keep her here she can leave and everyone will be okay."

I was mortified "Princess don't do this. We can help and save everyone from her. Don't do this" she cried and looked down at the raging river down below. "I'm sorry Dean but I don't see any other way around this" she jumped down and I yelled grabbing her arm with both my hands.

Sam and Cas ran over helping me pull her up. "Cas nock her out" Sam said and Cas layed his two fingers on her forehead making her pass out. "What the hell was that?" Sam asked. "She thought that killing herself would solve our problem with the Demon" I answered and Sam looked upset.

"Let's get her home" I said picking her up and putting her in the car. She was scarily light weighted. How long was she locked in that basement. I sped all the way home before carrying her back to her room.

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