Chapter 2: The Birth of Greymon

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"Last on Digimon Digital Monster...Kelly and seven other kids were chilling at summer camp. When a freak snowstorm hits, they find these Digvices and bam! The next moment there transported to a strange island. One by one, they make friends with this creature called Digimon. Everything was cool until Kuwagamon showed up. Their new friends somehow Digvoled into bigger Digimon and scared him off, but they celebrated and fell off a cliff to their doom!" The Narrator said.


Following from before, the eight kids and Digimon were falling down directly into the rushing water below. This was going to be a painful fall.

However, the three flying Digimon desperately grab onto their respective partners, but none of them are strong enough to hold them in the air, so they all continue to tumble down. Kelly squeezed her stuffed fox tightly in fear; however, feeling a sudden protective nature Dorumon latched her arms around Kelly, pulling her as close to her chest the best she could, aiming to take the fall for her. Gomamon was the first to hit the water and immediately rose to the surface.

"Fish net!" Gomamon exclaimed.

From underneath Gomamon, a seal-looking Digimon, a group of fish roses up. It was creating a bed or boat-like net of fish. Once it was completed and full, the other kids landed on it along with Joe, and each one grunted or gasped.

"Wow. This is some ride!" Tai exclaimed.

Kelly sighed and looked at Tai, not seeing the fun in this current situation. She might have found him good-looking but also strange at times.

"Huh? Hey, look out!" Matt shouted as he pointed above.

They looked up above to see Kuwagamon also begin falling, taking a large part of the rocky edge with him. Everyone released a terrified scream as the giant Digimon and an equally large rock began falling toward them.

"Look out!" Gomamon shouted.

The fish raft speeds forward and just in time, as Kuwagamon and the boulder fall into the water behind them. The impact sends a massive wave at the raft, which causes the kids and Digimon to scream in terror, except for Dorumon, who is occupied trying to protect Kelly and keep her calm. Luckily it was a narrow river and allowed the group to climb off the raft and onto the beach.

"I knew we would be okay. I wasn't worried," Matt said, trying to sound all cool.

Kelly sighed as she looked at Matt and then at her stuffed fox that was drenched from the river. She sighed in relief as it wasn't completely ruined.

"What was that, a floating fish market?" Joe asked.

Lucky for us, those fish were having a school reunion. Haha," Gomamon joked.

"Hmm?" Joe said, starting at his Digimon.

"I'm kidding. Those fish are good friends of mine and I just asked them for a lift," Gomamon explained to him.

"This is not time for jokes," Dorumon said in annoyance.

"All these years I thought I was allergic to seafood, thank you," Joe said before standing up."Uh, I guess it's not Bukamon?"

"Gomamon now,"Gomamon said.

"Gomamon?" Joe said.

"And I guess that you're not Tokomon, are you?" T.K asked Patamon.

Digimon Adventure: Destiny  ( Tai Love story) [1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz