Chapter 1

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TW: (weapons?) none 


"So, it's set then? Tonight, I'll be over by 12. See you soon!" Skyler spoke through the phone that buzzed slightly. A small humming sound came from the speakers of your phone. Skyler hung up leaving you to sit in silence for a quick second. You spun around in your swivel chair, turning towards your bed. Standing up, and lightly throwing your phone onto the plush blankets on your bed. You groaned and flopped back onto your bed, leaving it messier than when you had originally got up. It was summer, no need for set times to get up. However, you did have a 5 o'clock alarm in case you stayed up too late in the night. It was probably 8 now, sometimes you skipped breakfast, not today though.

Your stomach growled; you blew slightly out of your mouth. Sitting up with a little bit of protest, you swung your legs off the bed. You stood up, a little dizzy for a second. Steading yourself, then heading for the door. You shoved your phone into your back pocket and opened the door.

Sprinting down the hallway, then catching the corner to swing your body around it and to the stairway. You stumbled and raced down the first staircase and to the second floor. Passing your dad on the way, who seemed surprised that you jumped down the staircase. You passed him as you rounded the corner, and you heard him say "good morning". The house was passed on from many generations and your grandparents died pretty recently so your family got the house. And sometimes your older brother would visit but that was only during Christmas, easter or Halloween.

Overall, you hated the fact that your bedroom was at the very top, and there were 3 floors. It had some perks but, downfalls seemed to make themselves present in every moment it could. And it didn't really combine well with your shit ass stamina, your first few weeks at the house left you panting by the time you made it to the top of the stairs.

The good part about it was that you had a nice view over the forest, where just slightly, you could spot a wooded meadow. Maybe sometime this summer you could visit, as of right now, you had to go eat breakfast.

Finally at the base floor you made your way to the pantry and grabbed out a nature valley bar and swung yourself into a chair that faced a window, the window was slightly tinted, and with the rising sun. it was pretty bright; the sun lit the entire room in an orange like grow. Warming you but also blinding you. You peeled the wrapper and started to eat the breakfast bar. The first bite was the most satisfying, the (type/flavor) that you chose was your favorite. Something you had normally before you went to school.

You looked out to the forest's edge about half an acre away on all sides. You chewed slowly, squinting to look further. The shadows of the trees increased dramatically due to how bright it currently was outside, Making the forest almost black, and very eerie. Sometimes you thought you saw a pair of eyes watching you when you ate, but that could be from all the scary stories you and Skyler talked about on late nights. You had a bit of time to spare, maybe going outside would be nice. It was warm after all, being summer and everything. You pushed the last piece of breakfast bar into your mouth then stood up and wiped your spot clean. Leaving to go outside.

Normally you dont go outside barefoot, you hate the feeling of mud in between your toes. But it hadn't rained recently, so you were safe to do so. The grass squished down under your feet, then bounced back up when you moved forward. With each step you got closer to the dark forest. No birds chirped near, only crows that crowed softly on the opposite side of your house. Entering the forest, eyes adjusting to the dim light, the forest blossomed with color, no longer the dark forest you saw from the house. The trees swayed with delight in the slight summer wind, their branches twisting and splitting with leaves branching from the ends.

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